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Everything posted by Toner

  1. Great pictures Did you do a small restoration or did you take everything to bits?
  2. £250 would still be a decent sum in the 1960s though. How much would that be in comparison to today?
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hetzer https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=hetzer+dimensions&biw=1120&bih=663&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=HW1jVcezEYHpUOC7gNAH&ved=0CCwQsAQ&dpr=1.5
  4. Hi. Where are you from? Tell us something about yourself. Have you built other models before? What scale are you thinking of? What help do you need? Sizes? Pictures?
  5. It will be good to see the old girl up and running
  6. Toner

    New Arrival

    Looking good Perhaps the chimney exhaust is to keep the fumes away from what is being worked on if it is in water?
  7. It could have been so much worse. Not much consolation though
  8. According to the news, the fire started in the basement. It is not looking good for the museum. Bad as it is, at least there are no reported injuries so far.
  9. It could be that either your browser was hijacked or the DNS of your provider sent you somewhere else. Alternatively, they had a bit of an outage.
  10. Universal Carriers were used more for transporting men and equipment, like a tracked jeep. They could do some support roles in combat but they were not to be considered as armoured 'tank' type vehicles.
  11. Comments on the video showing a Saxon having problems going up a hill say the drivers are still being trained. As a combat vehicle it is horribly outmatched but it was not designed to go up against tanks. It was designed more for policing and moving troops to a battlefield (battlefield taxi) in 1980's Western Germany. It was designed to protect against small arms fire and shell fragments.
  12. That would have been something to see. I wonder what size it was when set up?
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