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Pete Ashby

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Everything posted by Pete Ashby

  1. Interesting link Tony, some excellent detailed shots of early British kit thanks for posting Pete
  2. never occurred to me :goodidea:, I wonder how effective this would be at cleaning nuts and bolts? I'll have to try it. Pete
  3. These are unused reproduction items: 2 x stays and 2 x bulk head clips £15.00 postage at cost Thanks Pete
  4. While you've got the starter off the truck it may be worth checking the rear bush for excessive ware something isn't quite right either with the motor or possibly the ring gear Pete
  5. Never seen anything like that before, Richard's probably on the right track with a stress fracture due to torsional side loading, I wonder if loose mounting bolts may have the same effect over time ?. The casting on the right hand side of the break looks like it may have a very course grain structure this may have contributed to the failure..... either way it's toast Pete
  6. I'm assuming that you have 6" joints (later 11,12 and 13 cab) 'Seal front axle hub grease' Ford No CO1Q 1190B' Chevrolet No 1809797 Pete
  7. Random Bedford bits to clear NoS AC fuel pump fully operational part No on block flange L4405 activating arm No 1524424. £30.00 plus postage at cost SOLD Hand brake lever I think this may be for a QL? £20.00 plus postage at cost Used Inlet manifold no cracks £25.00 plus postage at cost SOLD Will sell separately or take an offer for all three items Thanks Pete
  8. None of us are ever too old to learn Richard, the key is doing what you've just done......... ask questions :thumbsup:. Pete
  9. Your welcome Richard, the other thing to do and by far the easiest is if your local garge has a press ask if you could use that Pete
  10. The bracket is a bit too big really for working in a vice, but it will come back cold with a good sized hammer as Dave has suggested, don't keep hitting it with a light hammer all that will happen is that the hammer will bounce off and you will bruise the surface of the metal, use something with some weight in a controlled manner couple of taps then check it for true and adjust as necessary don't just give it an almighty smack :shocked: Let us know how you got on Pete
  11. Not too sure what your photo is showing there ? how distorted is the fixing and more importantly what should it look like ? At 6mm thick just a bit out of shape and it will tap back straight an anvil is better than a vice but a vice will do the job as long as it's large enough and securely fixed to the bench. More than a bit out of shape and you'll need to heat it up and before you try to straighten it. Pete
  12. Hello Mark, if you post a few photos which show the following areas: Instruments, steering wheel, hubs, front of cab below the head lights, cab roof it may enable a decision to be made as to early or late 13 cab production without the door plates it's not easy to be definite. Your suggestion based on the date on the rear of the tow hook is reasonable but assumes the draw gear has not been changed at some time. Pete
  13. Ever the way Tony in most places these days, gone are the days of poking around a wall of little draws for the odd plug cap or terminal. If you can't supply the Vin No, reg No and colour and the bit you want doesn't come prepacked in vacuum sealed fancy packing of at least 4 items then your your out of luck as the computer won't recognize the sale:-( That's why the Green Spark Plug Company and other similar web based suppliers are now first choice for me every time. Pete
  14. Thanks Robin, small steps but it's coming along. The next major item will be the overhaul of the intermediate axle. Pete
  15. Very useful company Tony, I've bought quite a few bits and pieces from them over the last few years Pete
  16. Found some time over the last month to finish the spare wheel carrier so here's a few photos showing the construction of the locking mechanism and the return pulley and bracket. This part of the build was mildly challenging as this bit was built entirely from photos, it not only had to look right but had to function correctly to ensure that it doesn't pole axe any one when the wheel is lowered, all in all I'm pleased with the result. Locking lever and bracket bent and shaped using the torch and bending bars Return roller bracket cut from 5mm plate Return roller bracket, roller and cable installed and spare wheel carrier arm refitted to try out the operation no one crushed and the arm didn't bury itself in the workshop floor.......result !!
  17. Time for another clear out before a new project so for sale a NoS Ford CMP Battery tray part No Co1Q-310773. A few other random bits and pieces to follow as and when I find them £35.00 plus p&p at cost Pete
  18. Have checked out Paul Beck's site ? thttps://www.vintagecarparts.co.uk/products/395-container-lucas-type-160-mirror this type was fitted to most pre war and early war time trucks the example is plated but I seem to remember he used to do a plain brass version, he has the correct style mounting arms as well if you scroll through the catalogue Pete
  19. No worries Steve glad your sorted, If any one else is interested in a May 45 standard bore GPW block let me know before I advertise elsewhere Pete
  20. It's days like this that make the hundreds and hundreds of hours spent on a project all worth while :thumbsup::thumbsup: Pete
  21. Hmm...... yes I'd heard the same thing Hanno case of very mistaken identity me thinks :rolleyes: we have a saying in English about a misguided person and his money i'm sure you have something similar in Dutch ? Pete
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