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Pete Ashby

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Everything posted by Pete Ashby

  1. No I don't believe so, In fact I think it's raised the price of project vehicles (a source that had all but dried up in the UK) by fulfilling a demand market. As I noted in the previous post any one of those vehicles (I have one awaiting parts in the workshop now) will require £10 to £12K on top of purchase price not including time, so you can see that a jeep selling for around £18K is not actually busting a huge profit if any at all. The real money is with the owner who has kept the same vehicle for 20 or 30 years and now puts it on the market....... Not a novel concept it's same for most things in life including property. Pete
  2. Right Robert, just got off the phone to David the company he used was Universal Tire in the US they have all sorts of strange sizes including a section just for military tires not sure if they have 900:13 but worth looking them up on the web and asking Pete
  3. Still searching for the Holy Grail then Robert !! my son David has just imported some 10.50/16's from a supplier in the States for the C30 they had all sorts of odd sizes available I'll ask him where they came from for you. I do know with import tax on top they were eye wateringly expensive though..... watch this space I'll get back to you Regards to you and Sharon Pete
  4. Read this thread with interest Like a number of you in the early 1970's I went to a technical secondary modern school doing technical drawing woodwork, metal work, physics biology and chemistry all as separate subjects along with the standard syllabus subjects. I left and went into research and did another 8 years of study the first 4 as well as chemistry and physics leaning various skills required for experimental rig building including metal work, machine work welding brazing soldering vacuum plumbing and glass blowing of all things, the last 4 specializing in Chemistry, physical, organic and inorganic. With the exception of the glass blowing everything else has been of use in 40 years of restoring and maintaining vintage vehicles........ and that is probably the answer to part of the question about the bubble bursting today's young people have not for nearly two generations had the broad based practical education that we had the privilege to have for free so apart from the money issue the skill in the hands is not there in the vast majority of young people, they also live in an immediate world so a restoration project of 3 or more years is not attractive to them. Has the bubble burst ?..... I don't believe so, it may have plateaued as it has done before but the market price will out strip inflation despite what I have written above. The fact is there are now people collecting//buying (they are not necessarily the an interchangeable term) who have the money to employ the few who do have the skills to restore and keep vintage machinery going. It's not just an MV phenomenon, it's happening in all aspects of vintage vehicle collecting notably in the Hot Rod world it's gone from being 'Good Old Boy's' in a back street lock up to serious wads of cash being dispensed, a quick look at the sale prices or a walk around the trailer park at an event like Pendine Sands race day will confirm that MV's are still good value. Pete
  5. Hmm there's a thought, lets say an average of 1000 miles a year for 40 years not so many these days but regularly up to 2500 during the first 30 odd years so that works out out at around 40,000 miles spread across jeeps, doges, GMC's CMP's I'm not including the 109 as that was my wife's and I don't do Land Rovers :cool2: so lets see that would be: jeeps various for 15 years @ 18mpg = (15 x 1000) / 18 = 833 gal Dodges variuos for 10 years @ 14mpg = (10 x 1000) / 14 = 714 gal GMC for 5 years @ 10 mpg = (5 x 1000) / 10 = 500 gal CMP's various 5 years @ 10mpg = ( 5 x 1000) / 10 = 500 gal TOTAL = 2547 gal (or 11579 l for our SI unit chums) Not done that calculation before but it's a fair estimation and may be a bit on the low side if anything Pete
  6. Any particular reason ? what surface were you using it on and how was it preped ? Pete
  7. Google the spec for U-Pol etch primer comes in a handy spray can if you are only doing individual items Pete
  8. Reproduction copies of the factory parts book come up on e-bay from time to time at a range of prices from eye watering to sensible. Pete
  9. Thanks Sam for the useful information, we have a badly corroded frame in the pipe line that will require similar treatment and yours seemed to come up very clean indeed Pete
  10. Good job Sam the frame cleaned up really well, what blast medium did you use ? Pete
  11. Right body type Runflat unfortunately wrong truck, the one in the photos is a late model (1941) Leyland Retriever this is the BY5 FBE (factory photo IWM) Pete
  12. Nice cross section of Vehicles thanks for posting :tup:: Pete
  13. 30 odd years ago there used to be a big show at Rushmoor arena each year with MV's, vintage commercials etc Pete
  14. Remember it well first saw that truck and the other one that was with it way back in 1975, did it still have the spare half shafts in the lockers behind the cab when you pulled it out ? Good to see it's still about, a number of people often ask what happened to it. Looking forward to your restoration blog, as you may have seen I have a leaning towards British 6x4's myself regards Pete
  15. You have an extremely rare truck there, perhaps even unique, there is most definitely interest in hearing and seeing what you are doing with it, why don't you start a thread in the restoration forum with photos and a bit of explanatory text starting with when you acquired it? I'm sure you will attract a lot of interest. Is this the truck that at one time resided in a well known yard in Oxfordshire ? before it was dragged out and restored by the previous owner ? Pete
  16. My son has just fitted a set on the C30 David, bit of a tight fit on the rims due to the 5' bead angle but they seem very good, he says it has certainly transformed the ride from the originals at 8 ply there is a bit more flex in the side walls as opposed to none with the run-flats. Your right about the price though eye watering :wow: regards Pete
  17. Interested to hear how they fit on British rims, photos of the tread pattern would be useful too Pete
  18. I'm guessing Higgins is referring to a gas paint patch? if so it would seem that a dark mustard yellow is about right Pete
  19. Looks like you have got the problem sorted :yay: thanks for coming back and letting us know the outcome it's useful to for all of us on HMVF as it helps to track down problems and remedies that we may encounter. :tup:: Pete
  20. This may make things a bit clearer for you fillers are arrowed Pete
  21. Darren, you really would benefit from running some tests before you start changing things or taking the engine apart again, otherwise I'm afraid you are just guessing at what the problem may be. Buy a vacuum gauge off e-bay around £12 to £15 you need the un-damped type connect it to the vacuum wiper take off on the carb or the PCV valve input on the inlet manifold run the engine up to operating temperature and read the gauge it will potentially save you a lot of wasted time and money follow this link on how to interpret the readings you obtain http://www.onallcylinders.com/2016/03/31/vac-visual-quick-guide-vacuum-gauge-readings/ Pete
  22. Probably the question that Darren needs to address first is: did the engine smoke before he did what ever he did. It would help the diagnosis to know exactly what that work involved. If yes then it could well be as Richard suggests and/ or excessive blow by and oil mist (caused by worn or broken rings)being drawn out of in the crank case into the inlet manifold via the PCV mounted on the inlet manifold .... do have one of these fitted Darren? .....and is it the right way round?. It would be worth while doing some dynamic tests with a vacuum gauge to see what state your engine is in followed by static compression and leak down readings if the simple solution doesn't fix the problem. Pete
  23. How much oil have put in the air filter bowl ? it you have over filled it the air flow will draw oil mist into the the inlet manifold. Also seen a similar problem when the air filter had been removed and tipped up so that the oil in the bowl saturates the gauze worth running with the filter off for a short while to see if the problem remains. Pete
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