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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. They've got it (UXB) on vid in my local library... so worth a look
  2. I don't do tea at all... it all tastes like dust to me... bit like boiling up the contents of the hoover bag... I imagine :whistle: But I've got the keys to Jacks filing cabinet... do you want me to break out his special reserve cocoa? & can you move about a bit slower Snapper, the rattling noise from your stomach with all them pills is drowning out the jukebox in the bar
  3. I remember visiting Cornwall when i was about 12 with mum n dad to visit my brother who was at college in Redruth. My treat for the week was being taken to Charlie Manns museum. I seem to remember he had the Merc truck from Raiders of the Lost Ark a Sherman, a DUKW and a Horsa? It's the first time I've heard any mention of that place since then... I came out of that place even more determined to buy an MV when i was older :-D
  4. THE silliest thing i've seen in a long while :rofl:
  5. Enough of that, hows the flak helmet coming along... waddya mean you haven't started it :angry:
  6. Ah well thats the beauty of a hammer you see... universal fit :whistle:
  7. Welcome Brent Nice truck Soon the car park will be all Dodge (just the way it should be)
  8. superb stuff.. again thanks for posting the pictures There's something very moving about abandoned airfields... so much effort and activity, and yet fallen silent and dissapearing under the brambles.
  9. I was once told by one of the monkeys in halfords that my car didn't exist. I enquired about the exhaust for a VW Polo Classic (A Polo saloon with a boot, not a hatch). "No such thing mat they don't make one" Erm es they do... "nah, no such thing as a Polo saloon" Why don't you come outside and I'll show you then... "Oh yeah, never seen one o' them before... nah we don't do 'em mate" thanks for your help... MATE :roll:
  10. Wow excellent stuff ... thanks for sharing. I've never seen the Dodge/engine hoist pictures before ... brilliant
  11. Been waiting for someone to review the performance... think I'll be going :-D
  12. proof of the old adage... "if only it could speak" Nice one Steve
  13. ...think he works in my local Halfords :evil:
  14. Welcome... I'm not sure what to be more impressed by... your collection or your powers of persuasion to the missus... hats off :-D
  15. some kind of smoke/grenade projector
  16. 11th August '44 for my WC51... No wrinkles yet but a touch incontinent around the garage :whistle:
  17. For transporting Aircraft components... Looks like an upright wing?
  18. & don't get him started on JIF :whistle:
  19. Yep... then it'd look like every other military ad... erm no :whistle:
  20. yes you get to work behind the clubhouse bar for a month for free :whistle:
  21. Greetings Nick welcome to the sanitarium feet off the chairs, biscuits in the barrell marked "Jacks do not touch" Looks like you've got some nice stuff there... wish there was a universal carrier in my garden... wish i had a garden for the carrier to go in :whistle: glad to see there's nice stuff up here as well as down there :-D
  22. This is a great place and well worth a look
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