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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. me n the missus bought each other tickets to the Dads Army performance in manchester in a couple of days... can't wait. Ooh and a nice lockable steel tool box that slots between the bench seats in the back of the Dodge from me brother...
  2. 7.15 on the dot... :sweat: Lilys only 3 but still very excited... Flo is a bit non-plussed :goodmorning: haven't started on the pressies yet. Just stockings so far (laddered mine already) Seasons greatings to all... even the PW owners... in this time of forgiveness and tolerance :tongue: :-D ;-) :evil: :evil:
  3. ebay.... 250200009150 I like it.... it's silly but i like it :-D
  4. "I new i shouldn't've worn my contacts today"
  5. Class... loved that series :tup: my brothers mate looks like mr Claypole... a source of endless amusement!
  6. nothing to do with that ride out in the jeep in sub zero temperatures :whistle: they did call 'em flu wagons :-D happy birthday Steve
  7. Yeah very lucky. I wouldn't have put the chances of surviving that as very good at all Choppers don't like bumping into anything at all :sweat:
  8. http://www.fineartmodels.com/pages/product.asp?content_area=3&sub_area=14&product_area=120 The price hasn't been scaled down though :whistle:
  9. Get the candles lit and wind up the gramaphone ;-)
  10. MARK x 2 Markheliops x 2 david ives x 1 Jack x 2 David Sanderson x 1 Snowtracdave x 1 Barry Merchant x 1 Chriscamps x 1 Rambo1969 x 3 Lee x 2 Rick W x 1 Ashley x 2 Chrisg x 2 Joris x1 Lee Enfield x1 Bodge x1
  11. Gee! It looks like a motor only much, much smaller :dunno:
  12. Do you mean RAF pathfinders? http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.rafupwood.co.uk/theyledtheway1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.rafupwood.co.uk/156squadron.htm&h=583&w=410&sz=138&hl=en&start=30&tbnid=K-JUGwne-RqOPM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=94&prev=
  13. & wallet too A machine specifically designed to burn as much fuel over as short a distance possible probably cheaper to run a sherman Great fun to drive though ;-)
  14. I beleive it was sold to collector... there is a thread on the WWII forum about it
  15. I rememnber that film it was one of the actors from corrie in it
  16. Never forget the General Lee The Duke Bros single handedly shoving up the second hand value of the Charger... as they destroyed most of 'em :angry: Didn't go to Bolero meself... i was told it was rubbish eh Jack :whistle:
  17. unlikely that he would have had his tetanus jab when he was 10 though...just found out he was born in '34 (the guy i found) I'll keep lookin' :roll:
  18. I've got a link at work for looking up us service numbers but cant find it here :dunno: This could be your man though http://www.quicknowledge.com/qk/Home/Links/Courses/SME.asp?AuthorID=42
  19. My dad has one of the old 'freewheeling' Rovers, a 1937 sports saloon. Basically power is delivered to the back wheels in the same way as a bicycle... Plus side - clutchless gearchaning (& alleged) better economy Drawback - no engine braking so it'll run away with you downhill... nice :shake: oh & you can't engage & disengage the mechanism whilst the vehicle is moving so you have to ride your brakes downhill mmm scary!
  20. Some good sound advice there... But to avoid uneccessary physical exertion which would be best deployed elswhere attempt resuscitation on the ground floor :sweat:
  21. Nice one spood... Stood on the end of the diving board meself :shake:
  22. Hmm that is a strange beast indeed has an airfield look about it Looks like its undies have seen better days though
  23. Missed of my personal favourite which is where management all sit round and decide whose elses fault it is that they aren't getting the results they promised the top carnivor they could acheive BLAMESTORMING Ooh I'll miss being in an office
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