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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Finally got round to sorting out some of the pics I took... Taken on a mobile so not the best but hey! Jacks Jimmy and Lawsons Tipper both laden with troops
  2. I'm now formally taking over the role of Steves manager/coordinator/pimp... please form an orderly que... one autograph per person, please have the right money ready, no personal messages.
  3. Oh and Adrian.... Sorry again! I'd hoped to spring up onto the tank like a lithe seasoned tankie... as it hapenned it was like watching your grandmother getting into a sports car... Hope the shoulder is okay!
  4. Yep... awaiting clearance from the censor... Jacks naked 3am ballon dance may end up on the cutting room floor though...*ahem* I've got quite a few more bits to upload (adrians arrival... C47 arriving etc) but I'm off to Elvington this morning to Wings and Wheels so you'll have t'wait...
  5. been busy, busy rush rush of late.... but have said footage... will attempt upload presently...
  6. you know what they say with great power comes grat responsability... someone has to keep this place running. otherwise it'd be full of bikes when we got back!
  7. all packed off at 9-10 ish... fingers crossed ... again...
  8. Ahh... and relax, Back to the muted mood lighting of the clubhouse rather than the flourescent glow and hum of the bicycle shed!
  9. Good news... a few pennies saved. My missus is from Gt Yeldham...lovely spot!
  10. Can i make a suggestion jack that if it gets beery friday night we sleep sitting up in the cab of your truck and chain the jimmy to the back of the nearest biggest truck?
  11. I'll have an 'F' please Bob (3 right Mark?)
  12. Welcome Mike Bet you miss the rain and cold... NOT! Rust free phew... we could send you some if you're short
  13. Asleep in my car by the side of the motorway waiting for the AA
  14. Dunno can't see for the guy in the AAF gear standing in front of him ...
  15. Welcome, as the owner of some very good vehicles your white enamel name plaque by your private parking spaces is being made as we speak... pull up a chair and make yourself at home. Please ensure your biscuit/cake paperwork is in order and peruse the cleaning rota by the kitchen hatch... oh and no oily HBTs in the snug... Jack is most insistant upon this point!
  16. More beans Tex? I think you boys have had enough... Pffffrrrrrttt!
  17. oh gawd i'm gonna be walking at RTV
  18. got spark? you were having battery/alternator trouble whip a plg out n check for fizz!
  19. They are certainly not to be trifled with... Our groups Mack tried to make friends with one once... ...we never saw it again!
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