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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. I like the FW190 replica, very smart, is it full size or slightly smaller?
  2. I beleive, according to the Churchill register that this Croc' went to the Wheatcroft collection so could well be that one
  3. looks like an aircraft bomb rather than an artillery shell judging by the position of the detonator & lack of fuse in the nose... at a guess...
  4. The Lancaster flypasts at W&P this year were the first time I'd seen it pass with the U/C down... even slower and lower... stunning like the 12" EP of the Merlin soundtrack
  5. Wow they are hellish looking things... wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of them! Excellent pics cheers for posting
  6. A local collector up here (Kendal) had a Crocodile which he restored back in the 80's to running condition, i beleive he sold it though, shame... it was his fault i got infected with this sickness for green stuff
  7. ...then going home at night whilst everyone else camps over Come on... photos y'slacker!
  8. No, just not stupid enough to stand round in the freezing f**ing cold ! Camp over if you're that hard... oh no you're going home to bed... full of **** you Geordies
  9. Welcome Jimmy Nice trucks, nice markings... can't go wrong with the Century Bombers
  10. Fly it?... yes... assuming the batteries were chaged and the handset worked okay. Fly in it?... erm... no
  11. Nice one Daz Glad to see them going back into service again!!
  12. 6A prefix serial number is often seen on Air Ministry equipment... aircraft part?
  13. Some nice finds there... the bowser trailer looks good
  14. I'da thought that if you're driving in an early WC and you come under fire and you passenger is injured/killed and the vehicle is immobilised, the driver can't easily get out?
  15. Seemed a thoroughly nice chap, a fine actor and clearly a very brave man RIP
  16. True Always had a hankering for a 30's car they just ooze style... that, and engine oil !
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