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Bodge Deep

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Everything posted by Bodge Deep

  1. Haven't seen the Ceebees in a long time but that certainly looks like it
  2. Yes excellent pics, cheers You'd have a job manoevering that load in traffic!
  3. Bodge Deep


    Yeah been quite a good day ere too (chuffed as I was doing a school visit with the truck and expected to get drenched!!)... hammering it down now though... soon be Christmas *ooof* who threw that!!!
  4. Hi Davey Welcome to the home for the criminally insane your clubhouse parking permits are being processed Please keep to the left in the coridoors and no swarfega in the marmalade jar (the Dutch guys say it makes the gums tingle)
  5. I know what you mean some parts of a vehicle just work from a design point of view...others make you want to gouge your eyes out I like The Radial and Cowling of the P47 Thunderbolt... P51 Mustang Alloy wheels mmmm... spokey! The armoured louvres on the Halftrack and scoutcar radiators The Sperry Ball Turret from the B17 and B24 an amazing peice of technology... The dashboard of a Sugga... dunno why, just like it!! T34 Roadwheels.. but i don't like the clunky track links On the other hand Champ bonnet, seems wildly over engineered and fussy The drivers and radio operators hatch on the sherman... too tight.. *ahem* Junkers 88 cockpit and nose (like a knackered greenhouse!) Oh and the lop sided Blenheim cockpit... looks like its melting
  6. Nice one there's one of these in the barn where i keep the dodge that hasn't moved in about 30 years buried under mountains of junk (mostly mine admittedly!!!)
  7. Not much in north Cumbria as far as I know South Lakes and North Lancs meet at T'owd Tithe Barn in Garstang 1st Tuesday of the month
  8. Something for fastening some kind of clamp? Jubilee type clip?
  9. Just settle into the sofa switch the lights down, drink some prestone, wrap up in some green canvas and put on a nice film... something like a bomb-com... you'll be fine
  10. They're pretty much the same, in fact many of the customised/blinged up VW splits and bays have scooby engins in them, a considerable improvement on the wheezing asthmatic lump they have in them!
  11. God no, don't be disheartened. Like Tim said threads can touch you in a very profound way and sometimes when someone has already expressed the response you would have made, to say "yes what he said" seems lame (well in my opinion anyway). Like enigma said I too wandered away from the computer wondering how that little peice of history became separated from the man, then decided I'd probably not want to go through the same then thanked god I didn't know and probably wouldn't have to know what it was like. I then wondered how long (if ever) it would be before the last vestiges of the landings were gone from the land... So yes it did make an impact and thanks for posting
  12. Post as many as you like! I love recallections such as these
  13. Its not usually as busy as that... usually a bit more relaxed
  14. No that was my brother (who looks almost as good as me) Nice to meet you albeit briefly... Elvis was the other one sat accross from me (it takes more than one!!!)
  15. A breif bit on newsnight last night about a make do n mender part of which was filmed at Pickering... (& me n the missus are in it 18 seconds in with the pram n little 'un) "Infamy, Infamy..."
  16. Fascinating Well done for getting these memories recorded... good work And your uncle will be in very good hands with Adrian... a proper gent and the owner of a superb Sherman
  17. that's the biscuits and brylcreem support vehicle!
  18. Nah i think he was pumping up his airbed and expired from the effort. he's probably still in there... Sir-pumps-a-lot
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