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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. 32 miles in a cromwell equates to 32 gallons if i don't put my foot down and drive considerately (never). it will cost £220 in juice, i have no doubt that would be the best £220 i ever spent, count me in. the carrier will be there aswell but whoever drives that can pay for their own juice. good show jack eddy
  2. one of each is my goal, however i think i'll run out of money before i get there if not enthusiasm:D
  3. excellent work guys. i don't know about anyone else but i find it's the details that take the time. i've just spent 2 hours fabricating a little bracket that goes on the side of the carrier headlamp and looks like something you could pick up for £2 at a fair. hope to see the m10 on the scene this year rick
  4. lol all those serious names and battle honours and then the reme turn up in magical trevor
  5. basket cases are the way ahead i have a plan to start up a group of tank enthusiasts, (the armoured heritage group) basically the members will be guys that want to get involved in ww2 armour but can't afford to get a tank or don't have the facilities to get it restored. we'll restore and display the tanks as a group that way we all get what we want. my personal aim is to raise awareness of british ww2 armour this would be virtually impossible on my own and i don't have the bank account to sub it all out to the professionals, so it's the group or nothing and if it all goes tits up i could always sell the lot and buy a dodge viper :-D
  6. i've always fancied a camping holiday in france :cool2:
  7. amazing, a sunken panzer that isn't in poland !!!
  8. adrian i don't think you have to worry just yet, my ego's writing cheques my body can't cash there's a sherman project for sale in holland i think, for £60k which seems reasonable and also an arv in greece for £30k but whether that could be converted back into a gun tank i don't know. i wouldn't like to try and deal with pakistan unless you had an inside man, i think there's plenty still in europe to be had you just have to try and get to them before they reach the open market and the price picks up. eddy
  9. there is one good thing to come out of high ww2 armour prices and that is much more vehicles are now considered as viable and on the whole are restored to a high standard as the owners know they will see a return or at least a break even on the cash they've blown into it . not much good for those trying to get into the scene but you can still get a tank if you're prepared to take on "a challenge". my churchill was only £3500 that's secondhand mondeo money. i know which i'd rather have on my drive eddy ps. as for post ww2 armour those prices will rise as the ripple effect comes into play, might be time to buy that cent you've always wanted
  10. well spotted dave, i was looking at that sherman this morning (i want to join the sherman gang) and wondering what value you would put on an empty turretless hull ? even in that condition i reckon on £25k, anyone else got an idea on price i can see 10 tanks parked up gently rusting away
  11. i'd love to get a good look around those ranges with antar's m578 and a lowloader :cool2:
  12. what's this about a range wreck at la courtine, can anyone shed some light on the french range targets, i know there's some nice stuff still on those areas. eddy
  13. i'm going to have a go at it and see what happens, from the comments i think a small set up is the way ahead for me, that way i won't have to store the fuel for a long time before it gets used. however i don't think it will be good in my van as i doubt modern engines with computers and sensors have the tolerance for something as crude as 100% bio so it'll go in the plant and when i get a tm or mj i'll put it in neat and run it like that without changing any fuel system components and see what happens (but i will carry a spare filter with me). the thought of unlimited free fuel is a powerful lure for a tight arse like me. eddy
  14. just a thought with regard to the holes cut into the hull, i know to take armour through germany it has to have holes cut in the armour to allow the police to shoot the driver even if it's on the back of a wagon and just passing through, could this be the reason for the missing plate ? eddy
  15. that's great news, i'll be there with my universal carrier. eddy
  16. well said ken, i couldn't have put it better myself, we are definately singing off the same hymn sheet. eddy
  17. you're welcome, i think it's a brilliant idea you've come up with. i forgot to metion you can do my carrier aswell and (if you live long enough to see it completed) the churchill :-D eddy
  18. really good idea, my cromwell should be ready early next year and you're more than welcome to do a piece on it. by the way i liked the bit you did on your sherman, well presented and easy to understand for the layman (that's me) good luck with your project, you don't often get to see inside a tank let alone have it's workings explained for you eddy
  19. great post, some interesting links at the bottom of the page aswell
  20. nice pic, i heard all the best looking collectors have a cromwell or two :-D
  21. great thread guys, thanks for sharing a bit of info. i've a feeling we'll all be going bio soon. andy we need to get together for a chat about making bio on the land that i bought, it's perfect for it :cool2: eddy
  22. eddy8men

    I won

    nice set up you've got there, well done on the award. eddy
  23. not much actual restoration going on i'm afraid, more like parts aquisition in readiness for the big push, i have a few vehicles on the go at the moment but the churchill is where my heart is and although it's going to be an uphill struggle i'm looking forward to getting to grips with it, infact i'm toying with the idea of doing a full restoration instead of a cosmetic rush job but we'll see how much energy i have left when the carrier and cromwell is finished. eddy
  24. it was this thread that led me from another forum onto hmvf and it was adrians work that helped to inspire me to do something similar myself, (although i would have put an old bulldozer engine in and scrapped the multibank):-D a real legacy
  25. some very interesting pics. http://s203.photobucket.com/albums/aa91/ejeskes/Churchill%20AVRE/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ20
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