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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. glad you raised the post again clive as i have been toying with the idea of buying a modern mine detector from ebay for around a £100. i am looking to find large ferrous objects such as vehicle/aircraft engines, would it be able to detect something large at say 2m down ? eddy
  2. just going on what i had read in a book, i can't remember which one, it was either "tank tracks" the story of 9 rtr which was a churchill regt. or "troop commander" the story of 8th king royal irish which were cromwell.:coffee:
  3. you often see pics of ww2 allied vehicles with spare track welded on the hull and turret this was not applique armour but a direct attempt to counter the shaped charge warhead, a kind of early bar armour. eddy
  4. not long now before she's all up and running ready for the first show. nice work eddy
  5. sorry stu can't help you out but i'm looking forward to the pics when it arrives. all the best eddy
  6. you're doing a great job on the old girl, i'm glad there's people around like you shackleton guys that are prepared to spend the time and effort to keep a little bit (better change that to big bit) of british aviation history running and in such good condition for others to see. all the best eddy
  7. here's 4 or 5 crusader wrecks in the usa on an old range that is now a national park, you can read more on it here http://www.com-central.net/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=9139
  8. THAT'S THE SPIRIT !!! if we're ever going to save any of these old vehicles, (our armoured heritage) then we need to set up a network of people willing to help out, whether that be physically or through the passing on of information it doesn't matter. all i know is unless you're a millionaire you're gonna need a little help to save them. as i'm finding out moving tanks around especially dead ones is not a cheap operation, to move my 18 ton churchill hull 96 miles from shrewsbury to manchester with a crane both ends is going to cost me around £1600 :wow: so as you can see the costs soon mount up. well done nptimber eddy
  9. gary it's a shame your scrap friend didn't save any more track as i could do with a bit myself, :embarrassed: eddy
  10. you know what we need on this forum is someone with access to a magnetometer, i've been looking to buy one for a while but they are not cheap. anyone got any ideas. eddy
  11. i often wonder how many old boys out there know the whereabouts of all the stuff we're looking for, if only we knew who to ask we'd be digging up tanks every other week. as an example, yesterday i was prepping the ground at my house for a concrete slab for the churchill to go on when i got chatting to an old boy who was walking past, once i mentioned ww2 vehicles he told me of a story of a crashed halifax on the moors near glossop that he helped recover the wreckage from when he was at a farm nearby. as a reward to the farmer for his efforts the raf gave him the parachutes for his wife and 6 chairs from the bomber for his dinning room, he also mentioned that only 1 engine was recovered and that the other 3 are still up there in the peat bog, i didn't get his details but when he next passes i'll tackle him for a bit more info :cool2: it just goes to show how much kit is still out there to be found. anyone got a magnetometer ! eddy
  12. that barn find loyd would look good in my collection and might save a bit of work for myself if i don't have to build one from scratch, wonder if he'll ever let it go :cool2: eddy
  13. hey bazz i'll be there in the carrier give me a shout when you see me and you can go for a spin in it if you like. eddy
  14. hi tim thanks for taking the time to get the churchill pics, much appreciated. eddy
  15. "nose high and severe neck pain" but it would be worth it, 200 bhp/ton :shocked: however it's probably best to stick it back in the cromwell and go with the correct flathead engine which can be seen in the pics. the oil cooler was made up from an old saracen one that had been chucked in the scrap pile and the elbows you can see are normal 22mm copper plumbing fittings, total cost £3 .
  16. no it's not finished yet but we're getting there. the wheels are all replacements and are as good as new, as for the engine it was fitted back in the wot6 and running then taken out as the 24 stud for the carrier was not ready and the carrier took precedent, bit of ball ache but we're getting there. as for the big roll out i'm not sure when it will happen but the plan is to get the tracks on and moving by the weekend. i wonder how it would drive if i put that 600 hp meteor in it :cool2: eddy
  17. thank you anders i like the youtube clips, it's good to see a tank being driven the way it was intended to be, (all or nothing) :cool2: i would like an achilles, i know of 3 still on the ranges in england and there's plenty in belgium and denmark, maybe one day i'll manage to get one off and restore it. all the best eddy
  18. swedenao you know we want pics, no need to be shy we're all tank lovers here :-D eddy
  19. looks do-able to me, as long as the chassis is sound it should make a good project. best of luck eddy
  20. thanks adrian in my "b" mech(softskin) way of thinking i thought it would steer like a 432 but it sounds more like a cvrt setup. the craarv must have the same type of steering as i remember being at borden outside the tank sheds when a craarv came tearing down the road and then tracked left to enter the shed but he must have been in too high a gear as it rammed the wall where we were all stood having a brew, fortunately tea, not blood was spilt and a sheepish reccy mech reversed his blade out of the wall to cheers from those looking on. i believe the term w#nker was used alot eddy
  21. thanks adrian, i'll have a word with the young lad that's working on the cromwell and pass on your words of wisdom :-D
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