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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHCScEOjY-c
  2. does that allow you to fix a date for the vehicle Don't worry about the name we can help suggest some
  3. An item to note if you end up steam cleaning them, especially now as its cold up your way. The heat from the steam expands the air inside and it gets forced out. Once you finish if a cold draft, moisture hits it the air wants to recondense rapidly but there is insufficient venting capacity and the tank vacuums. There are some quite spectacular vids on youtube. First time i ever saw a vid it was a rail fuel tanker car that after steamcleaning it is wheeled out of the cleaning shed into the cold an it instananeously turned into a pancake
  4. Type 98 Shi-Ke http://world-war-2.wikia.com/wiki/Type_98_Shi-Ke this must be wrong as majority of the pictures it looks like a Type 98 Ro-Ke Type 98 Ro-Ke http://javehicles.weebly.com/prime-movers.html http://www.pacificwrecks.com/vehicle/type98/beck.html http://www.aviarmor.net/tww2/photo/japan/tractor_ro-ke/ lots of good photos here.... Damn I said it before but you guys find nice stuff http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=1992329 don't see any restored
  5. A few posts back it mentions which museum
  6. your one is bigger than my one Nice shed you have there
  7. Ok. This may be off tangent but it's advice and training that I have given to many people looking for the next step in life. I mention it as most people don't even know it exists. I would still suggest you do the welding courses as relevant to almost every restoration. After that I would suggest you do some NDT courses and get into that career scheme, as NDT is also important in vehicle restorations albeit not done all the time. I suggest NDT as it is a career in itself that can pay for more training. If you are not scared of heights then an IRATA course with NDT makes good cash.
  8. I can recommend a really nice hotel as I was there just before Christmas
  9. Curiosity questions, what do you do for work now, what qualifications do you have and how old are you? I push people down a particular career path, so wondered if you are a potential.
  10. I wonder if it was used to make moving targets at a range
  11. One thing about manuals...... why, just why do they not write in huge font that the bit you want to take off has a LH thread! Just knackered a bit on my Ural last weekend.
  12. I suppose the point I was making is patience is fairly important as most mechanical work is a matter of following a manual eg I rebuilt a Pinz auto box a few years ago and never thought I would dabble with the internals of one of those. But had a good ZF manual and website info.
  13. As typically the biggest concern is rust and associated big holes created by rust, a course in GMAW (Mig) or GTAW (Tig) welder would earn you a lot of mates. Welding thin material is a lesson in patience. On the topic of patience, a lot of the resto work is actually easy if not mundane and I think you can just about do anything mechanically if you can read a manual or get advice from fellow enthusiasts. When I was younger I had no patience, try once, try 10 times then smash it with a big hammer from frustration. Now I can try 15 times
  14. I like those soft foamy heads you can fit on a grinder with bonded sanding discs. The Velcro ones tend to lose effectiveness all too quickly. Flap discs do disintegrate as I have had a few shatter As with what Adrian said wire wheels are deadly. The knotted type is best. I posted in the safety thread in here ages ago how a wire went into my thigh completely under the skin. It took the doctor around an hour the slice it out as it went in vertical. The more annoying part was it never healed and I had to keep going back to get it cut open. To this day it never really hardened into a scar. One interesting thing I did learn was if you get antibiotic capsules you can open them and pepper the wound when you put a new bandage on. Gets the goodies direct to the problem
  15. Timber logs in an attempt to gain extra protection I saw this video recently and it covers most of the Fury screen play script...... thought it was very interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEeQPUp5VTY I say an attempt as the video shows a few different ideas crews did to add protection
  16. This prompts a question. I assumed there was normal headlight versions and also spotlight versions. My assumption is based on i seen some fitted to vehicles with flat glass instead of the atypical ribbed glass. Curious as i want to fit spotlight lens and bits to mine..
  17. They mention that on the website a few times
  18. I wonder where all these ended up http://www.ww2incolor.com/modern/fakia2008069ji0.html http://www.ww2incolor.com/modern/fakia2008103pt2.html http://www.ww2incolor.com/modern/fakia2008128pn4.html Ok I recall this story, I wonder when they will auction off the bits http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/armour-weapons-aircraft-recovery/tanks-pillboxes-bulgaria-recovered-1416/
  19. What is this [ATTACH=CONFIG]99252[/ATTACH]
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