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Everything posted by LoggyDriver

  1. Finally got some snow here now. Only an inch or so but had to and pick the Mrs up in my Hilux as the roads are pretty slippy. A little bit of snow and there are cars everywhere, in ditches, hedges, stuck half way up the hill etc. I hope it carries on all night and we wake up to 10 inches!!! Then will have to take the Landy out for a play!!!:yay:
  2. I saw one copper at W&P this year, on a bike. Not enough of a Police presence in my book. I was chatting to a mate of mine who is a Policeman in the Met who is an exhibiter. He told me someone had a machine gun stolen across from where he was camping. Stuff does get nicked at W&P the same as it does at other shows (I had some low life nick the bolt out of my aeriel mount FFS, not like you can't get one) We always make sure there is always someone around at all times. At night I remove all my CES and store in the vehicle. I'm thinking of getting a Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle Dog). These are very protective of master and property. That should keep the Pikeys at bay!!!:cool2:
  3. Well no snow here...:cry: In fact it's been so sunny today my other half even washed her car (that might herrald in the snow:cool2:)
  4. Thanks Richard. I sort of guessed that was the procedure. Is there supposed to be a gasket to seal the output flange cover to the gearbox or do they just use instant gasket? I might buy a gasket sheet and cut one out if I do need one? Cheers mate.
  5. Has anyone on here worked on the Bedford MJ main gearbox? I need to change the main gearbox output shaft oil seal. Thanks to a member on here I have 2 very nice brand new seals for the job. Just waiting for some warmer weather. Has anyone got any experience of changing these or any workshop materiel describing the job? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello Chris. Exactly. The faults to the braking system were discovered very early on in service and they were withdrawn from service as a result to get the work carried out on them. The manufacturer and MOD did the work required to sort the problem out and then put them back in service. Job done. I wouldn't have any problem in buying one.
  7. I wonder what the white bar was for, TA perhaps? We never used the TRF of the RLC. Our shoulder flash was that of HQ 4 Div CSSG. It is called "sammy the sperm" but is infact a snake. Here it is thanks to ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Combat-Service-Support-Group-Cloth-Badge_W0QQitemZ250535237381QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091124?IMSfp=TL091124186004r14008
  8. OK. For "MOST" on here you can drive on a normal licence as you would have passed your test before the changes. I haven't got a clue what Withams want for a comms bodied one, but I "think" it's around the £7,500 mark. I had a good look at some of the trucks they had up there and some were in VERY good condition with winch. A few had brand new engines fitted too. I think the "horror" stories are over done. The Army still has them in service, (although are now getting rid of them) so they can't be that bad. They spent a fortune sorting out the brake problem. The problem is once a vehicle develops a reputation for something then it's hard to shake that off. These vehicles were sorted out, but have kept the rep. For civilian service they would be great trucks. Lets face it, if it's a show vehicle it's not going to be tested is it. The problem you have is parts for them. The transfer case is a Reynolds Boughton own unit for a start. They were used by fire services also. I fired one up at Withams and it sounded pretty good. About the same HP as a Bedford MJ.
  9. As mentioned, chemical metal and buy some wire gauze for bodywork. Drill some small holes around the edge so that the chemical metal goes through in order to make it stick better. Use some thin wire to keep the gauze in place.
  10. Only got a light dusting in Didcot. Swindon didn't have any. Went to Reading last night on the train to my Mrs works Christmas party and they had a few inches. All in all not good enough. I WANT MORE SNOW !!!!!
  11. I'm going, and no the facilities wont stop me going "at the moment" as I meet too many old friends that I only ever see at the event. I bring my own shower and if the toilets are as bad as last year I will be putting the shovel on my Bedford to good use. However it doesn't mean I think the facilities are great because I'm putting my hand in my pocket because they aren't. Ref GDSF. I've never been and was thinking of going to it next year, but if the place is crawling with Pikeys I think I will give it a miss, I do want a truck to go home in and don't want to wake up with it on blocks with all the bits nicked off it!!!
  12. Is there nothing safe anymore. It's been there all those years and then someone decides to nick it. As mentioned, who the hell would want that on their wall, it's probably cursed.
  13. So is the paint Polyeurothane Enamel like the Beckers IRR (old stuff) or is it different? Have you got any pictures of what it looks like? I will get a gallon for my spray gun if it's OK.
  14. Hello Searley, First you need to know what units your Land Rover has been with to be authentic. Do some research on the Army website once you know who your Land Rover has been with. Most army units will have a Squadron/Company insignia sticker on the top left hand side of the windscreen or in the position I mentioned earlier. Just look on the army website or Google the unit in question and you should be able to find what there insignia is. They are usually just stickers, so if you get the right size you should be able to get some printed up. For instance when I was at 10 Transport Regiment my Squadron was 1 Squadron and our Squadron insignia was a square divided into 4. So 4 smaller squares make up the square. The squares are black and white in diag sequence. 10 Regtiments insignia was the Roman numeral 10 = X. The RLC Tactical Recognition Flash is Blue and Yellow in diagonal. This could be painted onto a plate and mounted onto the front bumper, but we never used the TRF of the RLC. Here is pictures of the TRF's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_recognition_flash
  15. I think they are a nice looking vehicle and just the right size if your looking for a "truck" but haven't got the room. They are also a normal car licence requirment so should suit most. They are pretty quick and the braking problems should have been sorted out by now. Withams have some comms bodied versions that are like hens teeth, but will ask you to part with your right arm for buying one.
  16. Look at these lunatics in the Ural 4320.
  17. We had some here this afternoon. Very small (not even flakes) drizzle sized snow, but snow none the less.
  18. I think one of the problems with W&P is that it's got TOO big. It went from an informal show to a business in it's own right. Anything that turns into a business is then run for as much profit as possible, which means going down the cheapest route for services as possible to keep profit margins high. I suppose though if another show was set up to rival W&P, it too would turn into a business and then you would probably have the same pro's and con's there as you do at the W&P event. It would be nice to have some more events up this neck of the woods though. The South Coast and Kent in particular seem to have more than their fair share.
  19. paulob1, Have you got the Ural 4320 V8 diesel? If so, what are these trucks like to drive, maintain etc. What do they do to the gallon. I REALLY like those Urals. Quite fancy one but I'm not paying Richard Moore prices (those box trailers he has on the website, he wants £7,500 +vat:shocked:)
  20. Great project. For diesel that price, I might ship mine over to fill the tank up!!!
  21. Welcome to the forum Joe. I'd love to own a miniture traction engine, but the prices are well out of my reach. Nice site. Keep up the good work.
  22. I also think that charging to get into a show is wrong. Many of us have to drive for many hours to get to W&P at vast cost in fuel. We also use our much deserved leave to spend the week there. The reason I pay to get in is because it's the only event of it's type where "most" MV owners make the effort to attend and it's a chance to meet old friends that you don't see at other shows. If there was an alternative show of a weeks duration of a similar size for free then I would be there. I don't think there would be much support in boycotting the event from exhibiters. If everyone got together for one year and refused to go, then the show would come to an end, or they would have to either reduce the entry price or scrap it altogether. So unless it was a concerted effort to boycot the show, the numbers refusing to pay out of principle would make no difference to the show. At the moment it's a case of "well if you don't want to pay, then don't come". If everyone decided not to go then they would have to do something. I think it would be relatively easy to set up an alternative show if someone had the land and drive to do it. When you look at the facilities W&P offers, it's not that much is it? One shower block, a small shop, water points and a pub (where we waited nearly 2hrs for a dinner to arrive). Everything else is hired in for the event. So it's not a case of "it's the only show that can offer the facilities". Look at Glastonbury, that's just fields with no shower block. Why doesn't W&P hire in more portable shower blocks? The showers they have are just not enough. I got so sick of using them or waiting to use them, or coming out dirtier than when I went in, that we bought a shower tent and shower bags and had cold showers all week. I think if a place like Duxford, (where there is far more to see), set up a week long show with free entry and maybe even an airshow to boot then this would be serious competition to W&P. Until someone does something similar then we are stuck with what we have.
  23. The Beckers paint I have isn't two pack, and that's Polyeurothane Enamel. It's thinned down with Kero. We used to patch paint with it all the time in the Army, but when they brought in the two pack stuff, we were no longer allowed to paint, vehicles had to go off to ABRO. I'd be interested knowing what this Marcus Glenn paint is like. Does his Satin finish look like the Army two pack once it's dried?
  24. How can Luton be so cheap compaired to the rest of us???? I have never had any problem filling metal Jerry Cans up!
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