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Everything posted by LoggyDriver

  1. Hello mate. I also own a Bedford MJ. I have to say that my truck is also slow up the hills. On a flat it will do 50 MAX, 40 is the comfortable cruising speed. Mine is fitted with an Electronic Radar Repair Workshop with all the kit still fitted. The all up weight must be around 8.5tonnes. The BHP of a Bedford MJ 330 is 108bhp. My truck has only done 2,500 miles so the engine isn't even run in yet. I've changed the fuel filter, the air filter is new (the truck had a two yearly service and inspection at ABRO two months before release - this included the fitment of a new transfer box, front wheel bearings/hub seals/brake shoes/new fuel tank etc, etc With my truck, it will slow down to 2nd gear (speedo not working properly so can't say what actual speed is) on a steep hill. When in 2nd gear it manages OK and eccelerates very well, but seems to be too low geared as the revs increase pretty quick, but to change into 3rd gear will kill it, so you have to stay in 2nd until the climb is finished. I used to drive them in the Army and can't really remember what they were like, but the ones I drove were GS versions without a very heavy box body on the back. I have been behind other Bedfords and these also were slow up the hills. I don't tow a trailer and it's one of the things that has put on hold my requirment for a living van. Has this just happened with the truck or has it always been like that? The turbo on mine doesn't make any noise whatsoever, even under heavy load, and I find this somewhat strange. I know the turbos fitted to the MJ were either low pressure or meduim pressure units. I'm betting mine is fitted with the low pressure version. As I'm a truck driver for a living I have driven enough trucks to realise that the turbo can make a BIG difference to the trucks ability to hold speed uphill. Personally I think the problem I have with mine (and it looks like you also have the same problem) is to do with the turbo pressure being too low. When you look at the size of the intake turbine, it's huge. This would be like blowing into a dustbin, just no increase in pressure at all under load. The exhaust side is roughly the same size. I'm actually going to look into the possibility of fitting a different turbo, but the problem you then have with a higher pressure turbo is the stress on the engine that it wasn't designed for. If it was a poorly fitting fuel filter seal you would have air getting in, or diesel getting out all of the time and not just when you go uphill. This would lead to problems starting as there would be air in the system (I had this trouble with a 106 diesel. The fuel line was pinched under the seat rail and had a pinhole in that was letting in air. It ran like a dog and the fuel pump was constantly bleeding the air out - all because of a pinhole) I don't think it's the fuel pump either. There are enough members on here with Bedford MJ's, so come on guys, what is your truck like up the hills? I don't think there is a problem with yours as both of ours seem to suffer the same problem, unless of course both of ours seem to be suffering from the same problem??? (If that makes sense:sweat:)
  2. Nice Praga. Did that come from Richard Moore?
  3. Not Afghan National Police is it???
  4. I've done very well this year, totally made up.:yay::yay: I got "Return to Afghanistan" - Ross Kemp, "SAS behind Iraqi lines", "Saving Private Ryan" and the new "Star Trek" - DVD's. Rommel - The End Of A Legend, Oxfordshire Airfields in the Second World War, Another Place, Another Time - A U-Boat Officers Wartime Album, The Hair of the Dog and Other Scientific Surprises, 50 People Who Buggered Up Britain and Simon Hughes and God Created Cricket - books. A years subscription to CMV. A Canon Digital Camera. A Genuine Windproof SAS Smock and other clothes, and loads of other stuff including smellies, callenders, mug, CD's, hankys.... Too much to list. I've been spoilt this year and especially love the Genuine SAS Windproof Smock - to be seen at show near you soon!!:cool2:
  5. Yes, you are correct. You have won a giant helping of Sprouts and my left over turkey...:yay::yay:
  6. Sorry. Try again...:coffee:
  7. Ok. Here is a harder one for you film buffs. "Hey Troop. Your di*k all fall off if you get any closer to that pu**ey. They'll keep you in the Philippines with the black VD, you'll never get home"
  8. The Croatians are the same as the Dutch. I know a Croatian guy who is one of these Naturist types. Spends his holidays in nudist camps and doesn't wear anything in his house. Luckily I don't know him well enough to have been invited round for a beer...:sweat:
  9. I can see where they are comming from though. It's a nightmare in the field having to carry too much kit. I had a real headache packing my gear as I always packed too much kit that I ended up not using. I agree that they use the cheapest supplier possible. All my boots I took with me when I left the Army are now useless as the souls have fallen apart I presume due to the polish getting on the rubber and degrading it. I've only got a few sets of Assult boots left that are any good, and they are new. My Desert boots are OK though.
  10. That's correct, there are no RHD DROPS, they are all LHD. Regarding David Crouch. Looking at the add again he has stated that they go from £5,000 upwards and some he is breaking. I don't think this add is a ploy by putting a good picture up to get people interested. David Crouch has a very good reputation. He wouldn't sell a vehicle to someone if it wasn't any good. He has the clout to buy a lot cheaper from Withams as he buys plenty from them, but he is known for selling vehicles with very little mark up (unlike Withams). All the people I've spoken to who have bought a vehicle from him have nothing but good words to say about him and are very happy with the vehicles they have bought. I bet you can probably get a good DROPS cheaper from him than you could from Withams, even though the vehicles came from Withams in the first place.
  11. I took my Defender to a garage near to my old works years ago as the MOT ran out the same day I looked to see when it was due. They tested it and then wanted to know where the weight plate was. I asked why and was told it was a Class 7 test:shocked: I said "No it's not, it's a Class 4". The garage weren't having any of it, so I called Land Rover and got them to explain to the garage that it's a Class 4. Still no joy. By this time the owner was getting VERY aggresive in his manner, so I just accepted the Class 7 test as I needed the MOT and probably wouldn't have got it if I kicked off. But I thought that they would get theirs soon enough. They issued the MOT as a Class 7 and charged me extra for the privilage. So on my return home, I wrote a detailed letter to the Vehicle Inspectorate (as it was then) complaining about the garage. They wrote me a letter detailing exactly what the test requirment was and confirmed that it was a Class 4 MOT. They said they went round to the garage concerned and NEARLY took their MOT licence away from them for not knowing the test requirments and for wrongly testing other Land Rovers in the Class 7 category for the past several years. I pointed out to VOSA that the garage would be making a handsome profit from the extra money involved in charging for a Class 7 instead of a Class 4. The garage had to then contact all the other owners they wrongly tested and to refund the difference. Their guys also had to do re training. I got a cheque through the post, but no apology. The moral of this story is, even though you take a vehicle to a garage to supposedly qualified MOT testers, it doesn't mean that they know what they are doing. You need to find out for yourself the facts and then if you encounter a problem you can back yourself up. In this day and age you need to know exactly what the rules are.
  12. David Crouch has a DROPS for sale on Milweb for £5,000 +vat ex Withams
  13. I thought that was too easy! How about; "Charlie don't surf"
  14. Here's one, "Worth waiting for"!
  15. To be honest, with the sort of kit people own at the show and on the stalls (all types of deac) I'm amazed they don't have 24hr mobile security on site for the whole week. They should have at least 4 mobile teams patroling the site all night.
  16. Could you not have walked home? Did you have the shopping on the roof to stop your chips thawing out?:idea:
  17. I'm a qualified JCB 410M operator (well I was when I was in the Army) and at my units we NEVER towed these anywhere. We either drove them or put them on a flat rack. Even driving them on the road was a pain as you had to detatch the forks and put them on the fork carriage as you weren't allowed to drive them with the forks attached on the public road.
  18. The MOT exemption is for "Goods Vehicles" and the route you are thinking of the vehicle would need to be fitted with "equipment" that is fitted for a particular purpose that can be used in a "Display". What is the unladen weight of a Ferret? Most garages that do a class 4 MOT can only take vehicles up to 3,500kgs as the lifts they use are rated for this weight. Any heavier then it would need to be tested at a commercial vehicle garage that has a lift that can handle the weight or at VOSA themselves.
  19. Snow and slush has turned into an Ice Rink here, very dangerous. I've not seen ONE gritter out and the pavements down by the train station were lethal. I pitty the poor old folk. Where the hell are the local council?:argh:
  20. I'm easy mate, a bottle of Southern Comfort please!!:cool2: As I'm off work until the New Year I thought I'd get the train into Reading this afternoon. The place was heaving and there was still several inches of snow still on the ground. I went for a specific item, but decided not to buy it as she who must be obeyed might not like it, so bought her some other stuff instead. I will take her to the shops next week and then she can pick what particular model of this item I have in mind. It's not ideal, but it's better to be on the safe side! (no it's not a Military Vehicle lol)
  21. Nice to know REME uses Genuine Parts!!:cool2::-D
  22. It's now the 22nd of December and only two shopping days left to Christmas. I've got most of mine, but still need to get the other halfs birthday present (her birthday is on Boxing Day:sweat:) So how many people on here still need to get their Christmas shopping in? Are you the type that leaves it until Christmas Eve, or are you organised enough to have bought yours earlier?
  23. Still got them mate. Just had a look, and yes it does mention the job:) (must be getting lazy):-D
  24. Imagine the noise of all those jerry cans banging together!!!:rofl:
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