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Everything posted by oily

  1. Depending how local to portsmouth you are, I bought from 'Sabre Sales' Army Surplus, a modern AFV Crewmans Overall, which has a sort of sewn-in 'rescue harness' in it, -£25, in new, un-issued condition, they are similar colour to lightweights,but of a thicker material than normal overalls and very close in construction to the 'tankie-suits' mentioned in an earlier post, also a darn sight easier to get hold of, unless you are about 5' tall, -I'm 6' 1", and I've been looking for a genuine '50's - '60's 'tankie suit, for about 5 years!--can't find any! The modern ones are very, very comfortable to wear, either with shorts and 'T' shirt under for summer use, or long sleeves and lightweights/jeans etc under for cold/winter days.... i wear mine when driving my Saracen around(I tend to warm up quickly, since I sit astride the gearbox, and to the rear of the engine).... well worth the money! PM me if you need any more details.... oh, they also do D.P.M. camouflage ones too!
  2. I tried clicking on the text, my cursor just changes to the text input cursor, and highlights the block of text....:-(
  3. Not painted yet then mate?, handy pics though!!!:-D
  4. ...well my Dad assures me there are 'loads' more, similar pictures, more of Aden, and some of 'his' vehicles (including Champs, Centurions, and Conquerors too) when stationed in Germany, Bovington and Tidworth...... but we can't seem to find them yet.... watch this space!!!
  5. There is a theory that may have some effect on the price of fuel.... mentioned a lot on facebook at the moment Boycot the most expensive fuel companies, -in my area it is 'Esso' and 'BP'. If you stop buying fuel here completely 1st, and tell 10 of your mate to stop buying from them too, also tell your mates to tell 10 of their mates and so on... pretty soon the biggest of the fuel giants will start to crumble under the pressure, and will be forced to put their prices down in order to get the customers again. I reckon we should stop buying from them til their prices get to, say, 0.80p per litre, at least that is a more realistic price!!!! Go on, try it tomorrow!:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:
  6. Hi, I'm trying to find if my Dad's old Ferret is out there somewhere, and still alive and kicking..... if you have any news, or pictures of it, can you pop a post on here? ..it'd make an old soldier VERY happy!!! MOD EDIT.. Threads merged, please do not post multiple threads on same subject
  7. Hi everyone! having been given a large wad of 'in-service' photos of my Dad, and various vehicles/places he had dealings with, (mainly Aden), I came across several of him with one particular Ferret Mk1, it's Army Reg No. is 32 BA 79, and at the time, (1955 -ish), seems to have been Desert Stone/Sand colour.....Check out the following images..... does anyone know if there is a 'Ferret Register'....? There are a few pics of my dad too, just in case any of his old pals are on here too!!:-\
  8. oily


    just to see if it can be done i might try and fit a honda C90 engine into my saracen, think of the fuel savings!. or maybe a steam engine?..... or how about 6 electric motors from some old milk floats, take the fuel tank out and fit the batteries in place of it?......:laugh::laugh::yawn::yawn:
  9. is there a picture of this 'terrible' ferret that someone can post?:nut:
  10. Hi Richard, Not yet, (gearbox), due to vehicle being outside, and no workshop to use, when weather bad, (-which being winter, and the U.K. is pretty much most of the time!), also I've just undergone Carpal Tunnel surgery, so progress a bit slow,...... I'm actually hoping the problem is gonna be down to fluid having leaked out of the fluid flywheel, to a point where efficiency has dropped below the optimum for forward motion, when what oil is remaining has heated up sufficiently........ I realise it may involve a replacement of seal or seals, but that HAS to be easier than changing the box...... (fingers crossed!!!:-\)
  11. Sorry, mate! ...they are easy to deal with, just a bit more long-winded....~ I wouldn't part with mine for love, nor money!!:-\:-D:-D:cool2:
  12. ...it looks suspiciously like the yard at Hankley Common, the ''Scrapheap Challenge' place, -is it?:-\
  13. six wheeler is definenatly not ugly, and I'll have a Sentinel Tug too, please!!!:cool2::cool2:
  14. ...I believe that is an experimental Churchill based self-propelled gun.....
  15. ...ha! you think that was a fiddly job, ~try the equivalent on a Saracen!,...by the way, it lkooks a splendid job!
  16. 12.00-20 Trakgrips....do none of these exist anymore?, anywhere?..... Would 12.00-20 Bar-grips off of a Bedford MK/MJ b up to the job for my Saracen Mk5 (up-armoured....)?:undecided:
  17. You can get a similar type/colour heatshrink tube on rolls from Maplins/RS Components....
  18. strange soundtrack to the clip! ...was the cameraman suffering with a nasty cold?:undecided:
  19. suppose I'd better show my face.......:nut::cool2:
  20. Anyone want to make their Humber Pig or Daimler ferret a bit quicker off the mark?.... I have for sale a pair of Weber Twin-Choke Carbs on a manifold to suit a B60 engine, -apparently they were originally destined for an HCB Angus Fire Engine.... but somehow got 'liberated' from the stores, just before the factory shut/closed down....
  21. Top pic -looking a little crusty and rusty round the edges, taken before i restored it...:undecided: Last pic -this was taken whilst I was on the way to a wedding reception, Saracen was chosen by the bride, groom had no idea til he came out of the church!:wow: Middle pic -this is most recent pic I have, it was taken at 'Overlord 2009', in Horndean, near Portsmouth, come along to our show this year, and see it 'in the flesh'....:cool2::-D:-D:-D:-D
  22. Hi, -do you have any pics of the saracen range wreck, and it's location.....?:cool2:
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