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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Any chance of a discount if we say we know you? :-)
  2. I saw that aswell. Yes, they had little training and most of what they learnt was 'on-the-job' training, but everyone was a Hero. How long would that Historian have lasted in a Spitfire in 1940?
  3. Yes, I can find one but not until the end of November - I need to talk with some Medal collectors I am meeting in late November. If you can wait, I will contact you. Alternatively, try a Militaria Fair such as Mark Carters at Princes Hall, Aldershot this Sunday.
  4. Please contact me to clarify which medal you have as it could be one of a couple. Is it WW1 ot WW2, for example. Send me a PM .
  5. Got some friends who collect Medals. I will contact them and get back to you. Robert Davey
  6. woa2

    Bit Worried

    OK, but didn't the Canadians always paint their stars upside down?
  7. woa2

    Bit Worried

    Just watching 'Most Haunted Live' on Living TV. Alright, the Wife's watching it and I can't be bothered to move. Anyway, they are saying that a 5 pointed star in a solid ring is a very powerful symbol for evil. That why in 1944 the British painted it on all their vehicles as an aerial recognition mark?
  8. Clive Try Berkshire Radiators in Caverham, Reading, Berks. They built the radiator for my WOA2 out of 2 others, and recored it as well. Not the cheapest of repairers, but for the quality of the work, it was well worth it. Could be worth a try. Robert
  9. woa2


    Yes, that's the one - I recognise it from the map on Yell.com. Very many thanks. I need a few bits for my V8 and wanted to visit him this week. Just couldn't remember the name of the place. Many thanks again. Robert Davey
  10. woa2


    A few months ago I was told about a Classic Car Parts dealer near Heathrow, close to the A4. Unfortunately I have forgotton the name or exactly where it was. I know it was on Yell.com, but can't find it now. Anyone help with a name, please?
  11. woa2

    Whats Ammo

    You mean a Swift Training Rifle.
  12. I would like to go but can't take my MV because of lights. How much is it to get in as a visitor?
  13. Yes, WOA2 (ie Me) had a stall. I did meet FV1620 there. Dallas Autoparts is 25 minutes from my home, and it's only £5 a stall. Sold some junk, sorry I mean valuable merchandise, and bought a couple of bits. Couldn't find a 12 volt Ford V8 dynamo I wanted, but there's always next time which is Sunday 6th Jan. Friendly event with only enthusiasts and no big dealers, well only Dallas autoparts. If any of you go, please say hello to me - I have a Green Ford Focus behind my stall.
  14. The wheels retract, and it has what looks like an hydralic ram one end. It also has access doors in the sides but no windows. My guess is something to do with bridging?
  15. Paint it Black if you want Bullshit finish with shiny paintwork, or leave it rusty finish if you want it 'in service' is my opinion.
  16. W&P - Got both my vehicles there this year, and stayed for a week (for the first time). Trucks & Troops - Could only go on the Saturday (when it didn't rain), but thought it was a great show.
  17. Has anyone seen this episode of Rainbow? The words say it was actually broadcast.
  18. Try this site http://www.moviemistakes.com/ for all those movie mistakes. Saving Private Ryan is listed as 91 mistakes.
  19. I noticed a civilian number plate on a vehicle. Think it was the Jeep.
  20. The handles look a bit frail, as though the thing wasn't designed for much weight, with a wheel underneath to help move it. Therefore recovery of somekind? Perhaps a medical use? With the cumbersome look of the thing, I can't see much use in the Jungle.
  21. You park a Pig underneath and the rig is to drop water on it to see if it leaks?
  22. This Sunday 21st Oct. I will be there - look for a stall with a Green Focus estate and say 'Hello'. Robert Davey
  23. I had a Coach holiday in Italy a few years ago, and witnessed Italian Drivers trying to overtake the coach on a blide bend on a mountain road heading for Monte Cassino. We also had a ride in an Italian bus for a rew miles - Never doing that again! As for the Vespa, I believe it was part of a 3 scooter team, one with the gun and 2 to carry the ammo, and the gun was used dismounted. Anyone verify this?
  24. To a non bike owner this will sound silly but what colour are your handlebars? Mine are bare metal I wondered if they have been changed and should be black. I have an original Parabike in original condition, and the handlebars are Green, the same as the rest of the bike.
  25. Just seen an article about a Naked cycle ride in London today. Anyone brave (stupid) enough to do this at W&P?
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