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Everything posted by woa2

  1. I bought some batteries from Lincon for my WOA2. Good batteries and I have had no problems with them. If you go on their website, they show dimensions and Amps - just select what you want.
  2. According to the Met Office, there will be rain Monday from about 7am to about 4pm, just as I am driving there....... Thursday also looks like another wet day. Other than that, just look out for showers. Not positive about next weekend yet.
  3. Just heard on the news that the Kent county show at Detling, just up the road from W&P, is still on but the car park is closed due to flooding. They are turning cars away and only allowing in pedestrians. I am arriving at W&P on Monday afternoon. I heard that Sunday is fine weather but showers during the week.
  4. woa2

    Tank Envy?

    It's British (alright made in America but used by the British), it's got a 17pdr, it's got tracks, it's wartime - and I wish I could afford it.... Any chance of a ride in it one day? Please?
  5. Message for Jack I think you are missing an important business venture. I think Pathfinder should have made some canvas collapsable boats for W&P this year. You could have made a fortune....... Robert
  6. Be careful!! It will be very wet tonight and also next Monday/Tuesday. The rain hasn't given up yet!!
  7. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday look as if they might be better and give the ground a chance to dry out. However, later in the week it will be wetter.
  8. Having a clear-out I found some Compound No 97 made by WT Henley's Telegraph Works in Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. It looks like a slab of a waxy substance. I remember buying this with a 'Miscellaneous' lot from an Army Auction back in the early 1970s. Anyone know what it is and what it is for? Clive - Is this something you can help with??? Many thanks.
  9. Oh Sh1t!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the photo, Nick. Looks like it might be a year to remember, but for the wrong reasons.
  10. Help - This thread should say Question, not Important. Can a Moderator change it, please?
  11. I was watching 'Double Cross - The True Story of the D-Day Spies' on BBC2 yesterday, and noticed a German marked DC3 Dakota aircraft at 36:39 if you watch it on BBC iplayer. I've not seen a German marked dakota before, anyone know any details about it?
  12. Thanks to some sterling help, I have managed to contact Pat Ware. Thank you for the replies, Gentlemen.
  13. Is Pat Ware on this Forum? It's just I have a couple of books by him and I would like to get them signed and I thought I might meet him at W&P next week. So, Pat are you out there or does anyone know where he'll be at W&P? Many thanks.
  14. That low pressure is coming our way, so it will be very wet at W&P (as if you didn't know already). Unless something changes by next week, and I am talking of tuesday/wednesday onwards, it will be wet and wellingtons will be a must. My vehicle will have an umberella in the rifle clip and I have already got my wellingtons ready. Don't think I will be driving a 4x2 car around the arena this year.
  15. This is why I stay with friends as a group and we can keep an eye on all our vehicles.
  16. Ford V8s do run hot and the WOT2 especially- it is a very common problem. I have never had the fuel vapourising problem, but I always keep an eye on the temperature gauge when driving. Keep the speed down to 45 at max and if you start going over 180F then find an excuse to stop for a while. Is your radiator OK? it could be worth getting it re-cored as my WOA2 car doesn't overheat much and this has had a re-cored radiator fitted - I must get the WOT2 done soon. If you want proof that a WOT2 runs hot, I found a photo of a WOT2 during wartime in December, where everyone is wearing greatcoats to keep warm and the WOT2 still didn't have the door tops fitted. Also, very early WOT2 trucks had a prop to keep the bonnet open slightly to allow cold air in, and there are photos of WOT2s in the desert with this happening. The radiator on a WOT2 is non-pressurised. Do NOT be tempted to get the water system pressurised as the metal will not stand the pressure and will buckle and leak. I was advised this by the Early Ford V8 club. I will be at W&P from Sunday with my Ford WOA2. Stop by and have a chat about WOT2s and V8s.
  17. OK, update so far. There is either a Low pressure coming our way from Canada (Rain) or a High pressure that is still lurking in the Atlantic to hit us by the end of next week. I can't guess as to which will get to us at the moment. Therefore still prepare for the worst. A waterproof Sun hat would be a good idea and I have just looked out my Wellingtons.
  18. Sorry, I can't help with the pitch, but if you want a cup of tea during the week, I will be there from Sunday 15th near McArthur gate with my WOA2.
  19. A click from the solenoid means at least it is trying to work, so I think that is OK. When I had solenoid problems on my WOA2 last year, it didn't make any noise at all. Check the leads to the chassis, starter and solenoid, BUT DISCONNECT THE BATTERY FIRST. Also, as suggested, try another battery - my WOT2 is running on a 12v battery at the moment. Are you sure the starter is OK? It could be worth getting this checked out to at least eliminate the problem. I did get problems with a starter once, and the problem you describe sounds similar. There should be a connection from the chassis to the engine. It this OK? Another thing to check - have you got the Negative battery terminal connected to the chassis?
  20. That's why my forecast is a 'Guess'.
  21. Agreed. This weekend looks decidedly doubtful. However, from Monday/Tuesday the weather looks to be improving and I think by the middle/end of next week it should get better. W&P week is still too far away for an acurate guess, so don't unpack those wellingtons yet.
  22. OK, a bit more detailed. For anyone heading for W&P this weekend, it should be reasonable with the occasional shower but watch out for Saturday night. Next week looks like it should be better as there is a High pressure lurking in the Atlantic, but it all depends on whether this heads our way. I'll have another look in a couple of days to give a better idea. Outlook is still prepare for the worse and take wellingtons and an umberella.
  23. Reminds me of the Irish weather forecast. If you can see the hills, it will rain in 15 minutes. If you can't see the hills, it's raining.
  24. This is only my opinion and not any published weather forecast. I think the weather for W&P this year will be very changeable with wet periods and winds and also a bit chilly. Best to plan for rain and mud, but it will make the WW1 trench display more realistic. I will update this thread nearer the time as more information comes in.
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