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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. The only thing you can do is look for period photos, either in books or the internet. You may get lucky and find a website for past members of one of the units it served with, in which case you can post a message and see what happens. I was very lucky when searching for info on the Spartan, I managed to find the 26 Engineer Regiment forum and someone on there emailed me in service photos. I also had a previous crew member contact me about the Sabre, after seeing it on YouTube. It may be more difficult with an older vehicle, but worth a try!
  2. There are plenty of nos or recon gearboxes around. Let me know if you have trouble finding one.
  3. I use these guys sometimes for work related jobs (turbine components) but the website has some useful info if you're interested in EDM. http://www.wmccm.co.uk/WMCCM/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=0&tabid=2040 Chris
  4. The engine and gearbox oil are cooled through a heat exchanger.
  5. Surely a better bet would be to loan it to them, on the understanding you can take it out and use it as and when you like?
  6. You could fit one by finding a suitable hole in the water jacket and fitting one from an older vehicle/tractor etc. Incidently Andrews Scimitar is actually a Sabre hull, but I don't think it matters too much these days! Regarding reliability, you should have a good spare engine ready, incase it goes bang while you're cruising around town! They can and do fail at any time without warning.
  7. A number of Sabre hulls were bought by ABRO to replace Scimitar hulls which were beyond repair. After 30+ years of front line use, they are quite worn out. As far as I know 1/2 the Sabres went to Withams, the rest were used for spares.
  8. Mike, They are Samsons not Sampsons! Chris
  9. Phil, The CVR(T) Life Extension Program wasn't just a case of pulling one engine and fitting another. The clutch and gearbox need significant modifications to support the extra torque, the hull had to be modified to provide the extra air intake slot, deck plate and louvres were all replaced or modified, along with both bulkheads. The accelerator linkage is replaced with a cable, engine mounts in different places, etc etc. My main concern would be killing the gearbox by bolting another engine to it without upgrading it. Chris
  10. At this rate it looks like I might end up doing this. I can't believe there is nobody nearer to Cambridge than me willing to do this. :???
  11. Neil, If you've never been you're really missing out. It's worth a trip just to have a look around. Chris
  12. Back to the original question, can anyone help with this? They will cover your costs, and you will probably end up on the news or in the paper.
  13. The tyres might look ok, but I suspect they were made in the 70s and would soon fall to bits if you started doing some miles on it. They have either been sat in the back of a shed for a long time, or they've been used as training aids or something similar.
  14. Hirsts, yep heard of them before. Thanks for the photos and info.
  15. The viewing days are next week, so I doubt anyone has been to look yet. I will be going to view them. I suspect they have been standing since the mid 90s, so will need a fair bit of work to get them back up to a good standard. Chris
  16. Where is this yard? Are they friendly? If I phone up and ask them if they have xyz will they be interested in selling bits?
  17. John, You can contact the organiser, Jenny MacDonald on jennifermtigger@hotmail.com or 07836 771 097 Chris
  18. They wanted a Dingo, but found it hard to get a Dingo in a lot of places. They have used several Ferrets, and are using mine in Nottingham next week and another in Lincoln.
  19. Ferret needed for promo work in Cambridge (Spike Milligan play) on the 21/09/09. If anyone can help, let me know and I'll pass on your details. Chris
  20. I understand the guy who has the damper is still waiting for you to contact him.
  21. It's all in here.. http://www.ekmpowershop5.com/ekmps/shops/greenmachines/cvrt-servicing-schedule-fv101-scorpion-1245-p.asp Engine oil, I use 15w40 diesel engine oil. Same with with gearbox and road wheel hubs. I can't remember if its the same in the final drives or if it is EP90. Brake fluid is ISO10 hydraulic fluid. Good luck putting any fluid in the clutch!! It's a centrifugal clutch and does not require any servicing.
  22. Nice pics, thanks for posting. Sadly they are not on my list of preserved vehicles. I would guess the turrets were fitted to Sabres and the hulls scrapped. http://www.sirhc.co.uk/cvrw/owners.htm Chris
  23. Dougy, I think most of the ones which were tendered went to corporate events companies, or were broken for spares. Tanks A Lot have over 30 of them, and have broken some up. Marcus Glenn was also breaking them for spares. Both of mine went to a tank driving place, http://www.tankdriver.co.uk/ - they were 08EA79 and 03FA68. Chris
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