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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. I am the group owner. I asked Ian to step in as moderator while I was doing exams a few years ago. I would think the engine is repairable, and the ferret does seem cheap at that price.
  2. sirhc

    So sad

    You'll probably like some of my other videos too.
  3. sirhc

    So sad

    This is my video. I was there collecting bits for my restoration, the video was taken in 2007. There are none left. They were in the standard ex-Withams condition, missing the engine, messier dampers, optics etc. They are the ones nobody else wanted, or bid on in the tender sales.
  4. This one has been discussed over on the Ferret Heaven mailing list. I told the owner it's impossible to comment on the engine untill the cylinder head is removed and inspected.
  5. Yes, they are based in London and are there to guard the queen, but they are also deployed on operations. Your Ferret would not have been to Kosovo or Bosnia, it may have been to the Gulf. When you can scan the document the Tank Museum sent you, we may be able to give more info. Sometimes if a vehicle is deployed on an operation it will be on the history card, e.g. the Gulf war was Op Granby.
  6. http://www.army.mod.uk/armoured/regiments/1627.aspx
  7. I think it was done to demonstrate the companies capability to do these trials, rather than test the 432 itself.
  8. sirhc

    a question

    If you take the photo, you own the copyright on the image and you can do whatever you like with it.
  9. I'm sure most of the £6bn they lost was due to poor asset management. You only need to look at the stuff which turns up for sale, for example how many vehicles turn up at Withams with stuff still fitted/stowed? What about the new Bowman radio gear which can be found in amongst all the Clansman stuff? At a time when the MoD were removing periscopes from CVRTs to go back in to stock, it was possible to buy new ones, less than a year old, from a dealer who had bought a pallet of 100 from a surplus sale! I'm sure some of it does get 'liberated' and turn up on ebay, but I'd say that's only a small fraction of the stuff they've lost because of poor management!
  10. Mark, I guess it depends how desperate you are, but you could try bidding £2000 on an RB44 in the tender and see what happens? Chris
  11. The front hatches have been removed and replaced with glass screens. I hope the owner kept them and didn't put them in the scrap bin!
  12. One thing to remmber when changing road wheels is that the diameter of the 2 wheels fitted to each hub should be about the same. If they are very different it can cause the bearings to fail.
  13. The easiest way to change the wheels is with a jacking strut. It is possible to change them with a bottle jack, but you'll need the adaptor which goes in the axle arm. As to what happens if they let go, the rubber could fly off and hit an oncoming vehicle, it could go straight up and hit the vehicle behind, or it might just get stuck in the gap between the 2 wheels. If you have spares with you I'd change them.
  14. It is perfectly legal for you to go and buy a deactivated Bren. You don't need any kind of licence and it does not need to be registered in any way.
  15. Yes, the Harley Davidson is now out of service...
  16. sirhc


    Don, As stated at the start of this thread, original to me means correct to that vehicle. I used the example of fitting 2006 era Bowman radio stickers to a 1960s Lightweight. This is pure fiction and in my mind ruins an otherwise nicely restored vehicle. I was making the comment that just because you can stick the sticker/bolt the part on to your vehicle, it doesn't mean you should do it! You are correct, as used in service is maybe a better phrase, but I don't know how to shorten that to one word. Chris
  17. sirhc


    As previously stated, people can do what they like to a vehicle they have paid the money for. I just don't think they should be taking them to a military vehicle show and passing them off as 'restored' examples of the type.
  18. I think you can still get nice ones in the tender for around £2000. Beware though, they are putting less in the tenders and quite a lot are LHD!
  19. David, Sorry David, have thrown the catalogue away. Are you planning on buying one in the next sale? If you are you need to go for a look. Talk to Douglas and he will give you an idea of what to bid. Chris
  20. There are several quiet camping areas. You seem to have camped along the main road, in the busiest area of the site.
  21. It is/was a Ferret turret. I think it's probably just something someone knocked up when they had nothing better to do.
  22. Roland made it himself, check out posts 46 and 49.
  23. sirhc


    Of course you were, they wanted you to take it home! I have seen some that look like they've just been refurbished. Even seen some with the Bowman mod kit still fitted in the cab!
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