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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Dan, The master cylinder is a CVRT part. DO NOT PUT BRAKE FLUID ANYWHERE NEAR CVRT BRAKES! They use ISO10 hydraulic oil only. The top hat is in the centre of the final drive, retained by 3 screws. See photo. Chris
  2. Looks like the 25 pounder from a Sexton, on top of a Jeep chassis? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong! :-)
  3. I'd go back and check the flywheel. Did you replace the washer on the filler plug with a new one? Perhaps you fitted a thicker one and the plug is catching on the gearbox? If you can get someone to turn the engine over while watching the hole that you access the filler plug through, you might be able to track down the noise. It seems anything which is difficult to maintain usually doesn't get looked after properly by collectors. This isn't the first Fox that's not had any fluid in the steering, but it's better than the one Lee had to Fix, I don't think that one even had a belt fitted! Chris
  4. While I am at it, it sounds like you need to repair or replace the brake master cylinder. You'll enjoy this one as you have to remove the tillers, GCP and part of the brake pedal. Then disconnect the accelerator and remove the floor plate. All of this is easier with the top deck off. I've swapped a master cylinder whilst lying on the drivers seat of the Sabre, with the top deck on, at a show in the rain before. :nut: Chris
  5. Dan, You need to buy and read a manual! But I'll give you a few tips. The tillers are the steering, RH tiller applies the steering brake on the LH of the gearbox and vice versa. The ratchet mechanism is the handbrake. Above it and next to the main switch box is the forward/reverse lever. Pull this towards you for forwards and away from you for reverse. (It sounds like you have yours in neutral). Along the floor you have the accelerator pedal, brake pedal and gear change pedal. To change gear you press down with your heel, to change down press down with your toe. Are the top hats missing from the final drives? If they are then chances are the quill shafts have been disengaged for towing. Chris
  6. You will find most people have to do the required maintenance themselves. Unfortunatley this means that there are plenty of abused AFVs in private hands because a lot of people can't be bothered.
  7. That Champ needs one of these... http://www.ekmpowershop5.com/ekmps/shops/greenmachines/jerry-can-holder-1472-p.asp Instead of that horrible aftermarket Land Rover one!
  8. How many of them have you bought Monty? :cool2: Chris
  9. I fitted a standard Series Land Rover one to the MW and it's never given any trouble. http://www.lrseries.com/shop/product/listing/15600/8510047-12-VOLT-IGNITION-COIL.html?search=ignition coil&page=1
  10. Hi and Welcome. That's only the second one I've seen with the decontamination bottle bracket fitted. Chris
  11. Monty, The most interesting thing about that record card is who bought it when it was sold off... http://www.milweb.net/go/banister/ Chris
  12. Mark, The flywheel is not a sealed unit. In addition to the filler plug washer, there is a seal in the centre which can fail. There is also a gasket between the 2 halves which may be leaking. I'll dig out some photos of a flywheel when I get home. Chris
  13. Robin, Check that it's not sucking in air at the filter or change over tap. Lee knows all about fuel problems on Foxes, he had to modify his pickup tube... I'm sure he'll post more details. Chris
  14. Ok, time for a big clue... This is a CVR(T) Drivers periscope... Inside (drivers side) view: Outside view:
  15. Dougy, The smokes are the right way up. The Rarden has a smoke discharger cover on the end, and it's hard to tell from the light but I think it looks ok. There's still something nobody has noticed yet, hopefully someone will get it today... Chris
  16. Lewis, there's nothing wrong with the bolted deck. Mine is like this and the Scorpions were built this way originally - it's a pain when you want to check the gearbox bay! Nick and Degsy are correct, this vehicle wouldn't have existed in this form in 91, it was only converted in 94/95. But... there's still something else nobody has noticed yet, so keep trying!
  17. Yes, that's the adaptor ring to mount the Fox turret to the Scorpion hull. The turret rings are slightly different diameters.
  18. They all do that too, especially if you leave them out in the rain, like mine is today....
  19. Ok, there are a lot of things wrong with this vehicle, but thats not the one I had in mind...
  20. Answers on a postcard! http://www.milweb.net/webverts/50084/a.jpg
  21. The Fox exhaust is something which needs to be reproduced. So far ours has held up ok, but I would like to replace it with a Stainless one at some point.
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