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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. For completeness, here's 03FD10. Looks like it spent some time in BATUS on more than one occasion.
  2. Ok I think I've solved the white paint on 49AT37. From http://www.britains-smallwars.com/Bosnia/bosnia-units.html: 1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers landed @ Split airport and transported to Bihac, then onto Vitez and Gorni Vacuf as part of UN then as part of IFOR 1995-1996.
  3. They will have engines in the next tender. They sell for £100+ so it might be worth a bid! Chris
  4. Try buying a take out engine from Withams, they seem to have been all rebuilt in the late 90s so should have the modified carbs. Chris
  5. I would lubricate the pedal and linkages first.
  6. Too true Andy, we've become very good at finding space for things! Chris
  7. I am ok for engines, I bought these three a few months back.. and I have some others too! :-D Chris
  8. Yes, Withams sold them in October 2006.
  9. Hopefully this should answer some of your questions. Chris Clansman installation into Ferret Scout Car.pdf
  10. What do you mean by 'show vehicles'?
  11. http://www.lrseries.com/ Would be my first place to try.
  12. Hi Tony, Looks like I'm now free this weekend, so I'd like to come if there is space. I'll bring the Wolf, but hopefully come with some friends who will bring some other vehicles. I will confirm details this week. Cheers, Chris
  13. We have just started working on a pair of very sad CVRT Sabres, which both need quite a lot of work. Having already fully restored one, and got another one running and driving, I have noticed a few things on these two which are quite interesting. I am waiting for Merlin printouts, but for the mean time here are some photos. Firstly both of these Sabres have been up-armoured, and have all optics removed. I believe these are Regular Army vehicles, the other 2 were TA ones, and I think these will have been fitted with upgraded sights. I'll post some pictures of regular army Sabres in Kosovo later. Here's the turret up-armouring: 03FD10 looks to have led a hard life, as it was converted to a Sabre in 1994 and then re-built in 2001. During the last rebuild I guess it was fitted with lots of nice bits, because the Army decided to remove most of them before disposal. The hull wiring loom has been cut out, and the dash and switch box completely removed. Here's a clue to its last deployment though! The second vehicle is 49AT37. This would have been an RAF Scorpion originally, and it's been built without a floatation screen (no holes) and the later lift up decks and towing attachments. This one was also converted in 1994, but not rebuilt. This one has more layers of paint than I've ever seen on a vehicle, there must be 8 very thick layers. One of the layers near the bottom appears to be white. Were any Sabres deployed to Bosnia? Where else could this one have been painted white? Hopefully the Merlin Database has the answers! Chris
  14. Robin, The Mk 3 upgrade uses a steering yoke, not tillers. There have been no other powerplant upgrades except the Mk 3 Bulldog. Chris
  15. http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/fighting-vehicles/13865.aspx
  16. Is it one of the original prototypes?
  17. You need a copy of the Merlin printout and see what that says!
  18. If I'm wrong Richard F will correct me, but the J60 has a full flow filter.
  19. I can't see how the type of oil filter fitted makes any difference as long as you are using the correct grade of oil specified in the service schedule.
  20. Hi Marcus, Who owns the Ferret in that photo? Is it James McNeely? Chris
  21. If you think a Fox is less hastle than a CVR(T) then think again!
  22. If you are talking about the personal role radio, then yes they are legal to own - I believe you can buy one direct from the manufacturer. Headsets, radio bodies and even complete radios go through the mod sales all the time.
  23. sirhc


    I have a complete new Stormer gearbox filter, pm me if you need one. Chris
  24. Robin, at the moment nothing! There's enough good bits between them to make one, which we will do over the winter and sell. The other one may become a Scimitar or get cut up, or possibly just a long term project. Chris
  25. Thanks for the info, that's what I was thinking of doing. There seems to be a type with a screw in locking ring, but I don't think this is one of those. I've ordered a new one and will play with it after the show. We have managed to borrow an ex-RAF 110 for the show. The only problem is... it's blue and white. But right now I don't really care!
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