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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. No problem here using Internet explorer or Safari on the iPhone.
  2. That's normal for infra red reflective paint, it always goes a pink colour when you rub it down.
  3. This is the one I went for: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271186492331?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 You can also get a fuel sender unit to fit it. I've done this and a full tank reads half full on the original gauge, not perfect but better than guessing!
  4. Yes the original tank is still in place. We tried to remove it and clean it several years ago, but we gave up and started using jerry cans. The new tank fits in the space behind the drop down seat back on the left as you look through the back door. It's only 70litres but should be enough for a good trip out. Chris
  5. You need to do this... I'll have to dig out the manual on the weekend but I think you need to remove the blanking plate at the door end and fit one with a lifting attachment. If you are still coming on Saturday I'll show you my new plastic tank. Chris
  6. Yep it should say 00EC57 on the front and back. It was built as a 2/3 in 1964 according to Pat Wares book.
  7. Looks very good. Shame the registration number has been put on wrong, it should be EC not FC. Chris
  8. I think you will struggle to find anyone who does!
  9. Lots of good info here too: http://www.livesteammodels.co.uk/dhmg/ferret.html Chris
  10. The first place to start is reading the manual! If you haven't got one, buy one. When you've read that, then take some photos and put them on here so we can all see them. Chris
  11. sirhc


    Looking good John, I'm glad you decided to let it live a little longer!
  12. Andy, you'll need to find an elevation box from somewhere. Shouldn't be too hard to get it mobile. I have a set of Armstrong dampers if you want them, cheaper than messiers! Tim.. Those are just the commanders sight covers with the OTIS mount, not the turntables I'm afraid! Chris
  13. If only all problems with AFVs were that easy to fix!
  14. The gearbox uses oil pressure to apply the brake bands. No oil = no gears! I just use standard Diesel engine oil, I think it's 10/40. I suspect filling it up may solve your problem! Chris
  15. John, I had a thought after we spoke earlier, is the gearbox oil level correct? Chris
  16. I can't find where I posted these before so I'll post them again. The one you have with the Velcro strap fits into a standard Mk 6 Kevlar helmet. Photos on the flash hider show the latest type of headset which fits into the AFV crewmans helmet.
  17. It is a modification, not sure when it was introduced but most of the Sabres seem to have it. Our Spartan doesn't though. Chris
  18. My Sabre list is now up to 100 out of 136 vehicles, but none of these are on it.
  19. Bill, Measure the size and look on eBay. Plenty on there. Chris
  20. The CVRTs are Spartans fitted with Milan Compact Turret (MCT) - they will have been used out at BATUS as OPFOR vehicles. Looks like they have been dieselised too. What is the plan for them, hard targets? Chris
  21. Possibly from an r442? http://www.armyradio.com/arsc/customer/home.php?cat=71
  22. Lots of info on this here http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~dgrev/dhmg/ferret5s.html
  23. Clive, Not spray on, but this stuff has worked well for me sticking down exhaust heat shield material and re-attaching lining material and hatch seals on CVRTs. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HEAVY-DUTY-HIGH-TEMPERATURE-CONTACT-ADHESIVE-GLUE-1ltr-/220463087601?pt=UK_Body_Shop_Supplies_Paint&hash=item33549fbff1 Chris
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