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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Does anyone recognise this seat? I have it taking up space and would like to move it on to someone who needs it. Thanks, Chris
  2. The long bolts are for the air filter.
  3. I had a lead on a complete kit, but it's not come to anything yet. My plan is to make it complete externally then do the insides... So not great rush for it and ill make it if I have to!
  4. The standard engine is 195bhp, there is a 235bhp variant fitted to the vehicles with additional armour etc.
  5. It's been a long time since I wrote anything here, but a few things have been happening. We took a break from the Scimitar to give the Spartan a quick refurb before W&P, we fitted some Messier dampers, a plastic fuel tank, new sprockets and wheels and gave the whole thing a coat of paint. That took longer than expected, but we have made a small amount of progress on the Scimitar too. The dash is all wired in, but something is wrong and it seems to be shorting out somewhere. I need to go through the wires again soon. In the mean time I have acquired most of the rest of the bits. I have got hold of a burnt out ex-Belgian Scimitar turret. This has been blasted inside and out, and painted. I need to find a padding kit for the inside. I was able to locate a mantlet from a scrap Sabre, the chain gun hole needs filling in and it needs cleaning up, but it will do the job. I also have all the sights and periscopes, but not the side bins yet. We have assembled the turret ring, which I got as a kit of parts. There are something like 198 balls to fit inside the bearing race, it wasn't too bad but needs some fettling now as it's a bit loose. Once this is sorted, the turret can go on.
  6. There are something like 1000 bits required to convert a petrol one to a diesel one. Apart from the engine, which has a special sump, flywheel, mounts etc, the gearbox is fitted with a different input module. This has a larger clutch but adjusts the input gearing to give the same speeds as the faster revving petrol engine. I am told that David Brown charge something like £58000 to convert a petrol gearbox to a diesel gearbox. The fan and alternator are fitted with different pulleys, the bulkhead is split and the gearbox heat exchanger is moved to a different location. Diesel vehicles are supposed to be easier to drive as the greater torque means you don't need to change gears as often climbing hills etc. I believe they accelerate pretty quick too. It won't be long before I get to put one through its paces so I'll be able to confirm this soon! You can see some of the differences on my diesel Scimitar rebuild blog: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?37527-CVR(T)-Scimitar-07-FD-04 Chris
  7. I can't see why they would use any colour other than light stone. Maybe the lighting, camera settings or weathering make it look different?
  8. Let me see what I can find tomorrow, I don't have many manuals here, just a few diesel ones, but might have something on my PC. Chris
  9. Are you trying to post here: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/forumdisplay.php?93-HMVF-Classifieds ?
  10. They are perfectly viable projects, just a lot of time and money is required!
  11. They are horrible, but I wish my Scimitar hull was as complete as these when I bought it! They will make about £3k scrap. Chris
  12. On a positive note, at least you can get to the back of the bumper to paint over that rust now!
  13. I wouldn't have said that.. To some people the NI history is a plus when looking at a vehicle.
  14. You need to ask your paint manufacturer which thinners they suggest. As for ratio, you need to experiment a bit and see what works best. Practice on something first, a big card board box works for me, get your fan the right shape and make sure the paint is atomising nicely. I find I don't need much thinners.
  15. Thread cleaned up. Bob Grundy (if you've heard of him or not) is a long standing member of the MV community and a respected member of the forum. Jim is entitled to do what he likes with his tank, but Bob is equally entitled to his opinion.
  16. Any vehicle you see with an SA80 in it will probably have airsoft guns in it. They can be had for about £30 and fill the brackets, some of them might need fettling to fit.
  17. The bloke with the British CVRTs has a Belgian Sultan which was mine.
  18. I agree, prices were high, but at the same time there seemed to be loads of deacts for sale. D&B militarias tent was overflowing with them, I saw a whole pallet of Sterlings in there.
  19. As Lee has said before, if you have any issues with the way the show is run you need to address them to the show organisers. Having a punch up on this forum doesn't get anyone anywhere. We all go to the show for our own reasons, if you don't like it then don't go..
  20. Try here: http://www.emlra.org/index.php/vm-front/stickers Chris
  21. Having spent a few Laps each day following it, I wish it was doing a bit more speed! Always seemed to be slowing me down!
  22. I saw this and thought of you! I have tried various places to get replacement main brake pads but they can never match them up with anything commercially available. Best to buy them when you see them and keep a spare set. Chris
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