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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. John, 5th gear is not a brake band, but a clutch, so probably not band adjustment. It sounds like you may have a leak, the flywheel oil looks like water but it feels a bit different. First thing I'd do is check the level in the flywheel, if it's low then it sounds like that could be the problem. Chris
  2. What's going on with this Sabre? The front bins are on the wrong way round and it looks like there is a .30cal where the chain gun should be!
  3. Yep, don't underestimate us younger members! I restored my Ferret when I was 18
  4. I think this change of policy may be related to this story... http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_24/b4038041.htm Chris
  5. Mick, Sometimes hardware stores sell stick on letters in white. These are usually the correct font. Somewhere I have some with the phone number etc of the manufacturer. If you get really stuck let me know! Chris
  6. If you want one don't leave it too long before visiting Withams. They aren't getting any more now, and are scrapping quite a lot of the not so good ones.
  7. I know someone who has one (or it might be a 3) but it's not restored as a military vehicle. I'll see if I can get a photo next time I am near it.
  8. One good reason for getting on at the front is that the driver can see you there, so is likely (unless you are the enemy!) to make sure you are safely on before he starts to move.
  9. Someone will buy it Mike. Look at the one Marcus had up at £6500+Vat, that's sold. Anyway enough hijacking this thread....
  10. Simon, That's Larkspur kit from an armoured vehicle. Could have been Ferret, Saracen etc. It dates from the 60s/70s. Chris
  11. Mike, That Ferret was one Bob Fleming had. Chris
  12. I think I have seen this one before at a dealers. I recognise the shiny twin exhaust. First thing you'll need to find is a set of hatches!
  13. Hi Andy, So if I am reading this right, I need a red square with 8 on one side, and the black/red traingle on the other side? I've had a look through my photos and there seems to be Z numbers on both the doors and bonnet sides. Which one was correct I don't know, perhaps both are? Thanks for your help! Chris
  14. Hi John, Not quite ready yet, but we have the body on, doors on, cab sides refubished and almost fitted, tailgate made and on, engine in bits! Spent the last 10 days working on it non stop. It's looking a lot more like it's supposed to. I'll update the blog when I get a chance! Chris
  15. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Champion-RSN12Y-Screened-Spark-Plugs-Military-Box-of-10_W0QQitemZ220393867700QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET?hash=item220393867700&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  16. Hi folks, I am looking to paint up our MW to represent one of the units which landed at Sword beach. The info I have says: 8th Infantry Brigade Group 1st South Lankashire Regiment 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment Can anyone help with which markings I should put where? I'm going to get some stencils made up. I have the Z number and will be painting this on the doors and on the rear cross member. I'll also be putting stars on the doors and bonnet. Thanks! Chris
  17. David, Have you not found any on ebay? I've got them from there in the past. Chris
  18. sirhc

    Hastings Area

    A Bakewell pudding is a Bakewell pudding and a Bakewell tart is a Bakewell tart. In Bakewell they sell both.
  19. Are the 2 terminals on the isolator switch touching?
  20. Lee, I think they do, but all the CES kits I've seen from Sabres had one of these in them. I guess you would need it if you wanted to fire a combination of shell types. The clips seem to come as 3 of the same. There might be a situation in the field where you need to seperate the rounds and re-clip them. I have one of those Rarden round boxes and it does have cutouts for the clips. Chris
  21. Ok John, here are some photos. Basically you stick the open clip in the device, insert 3 shells, close the clip and remove it. It's not very clever untill you need to get the rounds back out again. Then you can turn it over and use it to push the 2 prongs on the clip which will release it. Before anyone points it out, yes the blue rounds should not be in a clip with a yellow tag, but it's the first one I had to hand! Chris
  22. John, If I can find one of mine later tonight I'll take some pictures. Chris
  23. John, This is for loading 3 shells into the Rarden clip. The loader holds the clip in the open position so you can put the shells in without needing 3 pairs of hands! Chris
  24. There's not much diesel in an Abrams, it has a gas turbine engine.
  25. Mike, That's not a Mastiff, it's a Supacat Jackal MWMIK. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MWMIK Chris
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