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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. what are the hard to find items for the early petrol powered 432s, I heard some of the electric accesories ie impact gun, can anyone enlighten me as to what I am going to have to hunt for? R
  2. Looks a wonderful piece to restore, presume no chance of resurecting a period motive power device, presume you will have to settle for substitution of a contemporary unit?!!! R
  3. Cosrec, I am, like other Brits, partial to the whole naming of vehicles idea. What name would you consider giving to your fabricated machine? R
  4. Kostas. welcome to the forum from Canada, yes there are people on here world wide. im sure I speak for others in saying we would all welcome anything you can show us and especially for me British vehicles in Greek service. Regards Robin
  5. In the 1980s the jungle green or OD trousers and a Royal Marine Stone shirt and NI patrol boots were "Gucci kit" that some people wore in the field on exercise under the guise of "if it was issue you can wear it" rule for soldiers to be comfortable in the field. Some old sweats showed their age / time in by doing this. It was a way to be an individual in the mass of sameness. Some units had very relaxed field dress standards set by the RSM of the time. Before someone squeeks about Queens regs on dress protocols, RSMs had the last say at unit level. I know some units allowed sewn in creases in combats and trousers lightweight and others considered that destruction of HM property. A substance known as Morello (sp) was worn by night shift RMP patrols in place of bulling bots for the toe caps, dependant on the RSM at the time. The product was sourced from Germany and was painted on. Gave a real god high shine look with a brush. R
  6. Oh dear! Time to bring back Raymond Baxter et alia of this world, people who could actually tell a story and present properly. Sorry if this sends the young ones to Google. . . Cue Tardis. . . . R
  7. Gary, Poor quality fuel has hampered us in just about every ex military vehicle in the collection. You should consider having a very thorough look at what is in the tanks, you might get a surprise. R
  8. Interesting to hear that Chris. Its actually a place I have visited many many years ago as a civvy on a model making reference trip. Wish I had had the presence of mind to snap what was "common" then as it is rare now. Who is FV1601? Is he on here, I see his name in the member list. R
  9. Nice to see you back on the forum Mike. Robin
  10. Champ video at Intsow in Devon if i'm correct. Very cool R
  11. I would say that the hot to cold and back to hot cycling that went on is partly to blame for the degradation and also possibly from the inside out considering the ditch water concoction contained within. Also add to that the work hardening of the material, in all no surprise to me R
  12. Absolute gems there. I looked through all 413 images. A few incorrect labels on some of the vehicles. What is the site used for at the moment? Agricultural usage seems prevalent. I would love to get the Bailey bridge for my place. Great lead mate R
  13. would be an excellent venue to sell hot teas and sticky buns from . . . fire up the boiling vessel and your in business. R
  14. A bit of an update on an old thread. Its been over a year since we bought these two. Last year was a busy year with many changes. The biggest is that my partner and I have bought land and will be building a house, starting this year. As a result cash is king now. The plain green Ferret marked "1" in the pictures with the goofy turret was going to be purchased by my best mate but that fell through. It has since Christmas been the subject of protracted negotiations with a third party. The net result is that in due time it is being swapped for a running Mk1 432, which in turn I have a buyer for. The second unit is confirmed as having served with the Stathconas, a Canadian armoured regiment. This Ferret was also possibly part of the deal with the third party but they could not muster an acceptable trade so I am keeping it, for the moment. I have been in limbo while all this dealing has been dragging on. Not wanting to do anything during the cold of winter if I didnt have to and now spring has arrived why do anything if it was going to be traded. I will now be ordering spares for it from the UK and getting on with a refurb with a view to having it up and running in the next little while with a view to selling it. It would be nice to keep it but we need a house and toys are toys. Getting it running will also add value to it and make it easier to sell. I have a possible buyer at the moment and he will need the work done anyway so there is no point dragging ones heels anymore. Just thought I would update everyone. Robin
  15. Rich, marvelous to see the progress. What are you doing to stabilise the fuel left in the lines after run ups? Are you putting a stabiliser in? Getting the aircraft under cover is, almost I would say as important an enterprise as stabilising her condition. Are there any plans to build her a building? Robin
  16. You have actually asked two questions here. Aluminium acquires an oxide layer very quickly, in fact 20 minutes and it is happening, why do I know? I weld the stuff. Mechanical cleaning is always best prior to welding and not the week before but right there and then. As far as an age acquired patina thats down to your own methods. Robin
  17. Dear Andrew, never saw the original post but have just seen the pics uploaded today hence the late interjection. Sorry to see your woes, is it too fresh to ask how she cracked in the first place? I'm thinking the anti-freeze mix was not right. I have had spectacular success, despite the nay sayers, in welding cast engine blocks. Obviously there is a lot of stripping which you have avoided by going for a mechanical route. Good luck mate R
  18. The human element is always the weak link in the process. We had actually already bought 10 petrol and 10 diesel metal tags from the chap Lee linked to on ebay. They will do the job quite nicely. I do agree with Paul that rapid fueling once the cans are filled is desireable but we dont have that option as I think I have pointed out before we are on a large estate setting spread over two provinces and quite often away from easy bulk fuel acess. So we do load up cans for work quite often and nearly always have both diesel and petrol in cans at the same time. One of my employees has a very poor ability to differentiate fuels by smell and touch so this is where the trouble started. He is an excellent chap in all other areas so I have to live with it and develop a protocol which is what we have done. One "event" of gasoline in a diesel truck was enough fun to contend with for me. R
  19. Nice base to work from mate. Here are some pictures of a similar vintage vehicle in BATUS colors I made as a model for the then owner. The colour was taken from paint chips off the vehicle before anyone squeeks. Sorry they are only phone pictures but my camera wont focus on the model worth a darn. R
  20. Welcome, looks like a Blanchard special! R
  21. your 436 is likely like ours in as much as it has been Bowmanised. I have an email from a mate which details how to break out power and put in Clansman type intercom which is what we need to do in both our 436 and Stormer. Let me dig it up onight and paste it in over here R
  22. Well, Guess I have not been browsing the web as much as others, if you look through the stock at Sindorf they have a Chieftain in the background but it is not listed for sale and also in the background of another picture is some kind of WW2 era tank as well. Funny that no one else has commented on the "on deposit" gig until I did. R
  23. Did anyone notice that the 432s at Withams are "under deposit"? http://www.mod-sales.com/direct/vehicle/related/34092/FV_432_MK_2.htm Wonder who would want 20 of them at a go? Is this a pressure tactic? Cut them up for scrap rather than sell them low? Comments anyone? R
  24. Can anyone here post a picture of the rear black out lighting for one of these vehicles please? A mate is doing one up and needs help Thanks R
  25. Value is subjective. It is always what someone is willing to pay. A similar vehicle on ebay uk this week failed to get any bids at 500 pounds opening price. R
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