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Everything posted by Toolman

  1. Also an oil bath air cleaner is a bit of an overkill for UK road use. A modern replacement element in the original housing is a good idea, and should help with the increased air flow. How about a K&N bolt on induction filter? I replaced my oil bath filter on my series 3 with one and the old 2 and a quarter was much more lively. Much increased induction noise though. MT
  2. Hello Stu As an exhibitor arriving on saturday morning, what time should we aim to arrive, before the public opening at 10? Would 9 to half 9 be ok? Cheers Matt
  3. really, thats interesting. The one that stopped working in the ferret was painted glass black, does it really make a difference to cooling. LR Condenser arrived (less than 24 hours for delivery), still awaiting the points. Hopefully will be fitting tomorrow (If points come).
  4. mmmm spam :-) I love it! To quote one of my favourite films "don't knock it, it comes with it's own key!" :-D
  5. Thanks Clive. I've bought it as I need to get my ferret running well for a show this weekend. I will send you my old one as I am interested to see if it's been causing an issue. Cheers Matt
  6. Intermotor 33710 http://www.intermotor.co.uk/?p=smpeurope/catalogue&brand=intermotor&SESSID=inm3cp9em7evb5vkn30cces6c3&SESSID=ug880pfopg8qksgut3bj469i26 Replaces LR RTC3472 and RTC3525 and Lucas DCB101c Lucas DCB101c on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lucas-Condenser-Land-Rover-Series-2-2a-3-1959-71-/390327835797?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item5ae15a1c95 replaces:~ Land Rover RTC3472, RTC3525 Can't find the exact intermotor on ebay so I think I'll get the Lucas above. MT Additional, now found it cheaper by searching for the lucas P/N. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/lucas-DCB101C-JAGUAR-E-TYPE-MKII-240-XK150-/300573328677?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item45fb910525
  7. Thanks Clive I was just going to ask if this would be ok: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lucas-Condenser-Land-Rover-Series-2-2a-3-1959-71-/390327835797?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item5ae15a1c95 I'll try and find the spec for both Matt
  8. Thanks Clive, for all the information. I can't make it to war and peace again unfortunately, I'm just in the wrong part of GB for all these big events! Maybe next year. I've ordered the points, will now have a look for the LR condenser you mentioned. Thanks for checking but mine is the more common Lucas dizzy. I will now gap the new plugs a touch tighter while I wait for my points. Paul, I will have a look into the electronic ignition option for a longer term. That might have to be a winter project. Cheers Guys, I'll keep you posted. Matt
  9. Hello Clive I have removed, cleaned and reset the points. They are pretty worn and one was pitted, does this indicate that the condenser might have failed? I'm going to order a set of points and a new condenser to start from scratch. Thank you for the offer of the condenser test, I will send you my old condenser for testing if you don't mind. I have also changed the plugs for RSN12Y's. Would you gap these the same as the 13P's? Cheers Matt
  10. Hello, sorry about that. we had been there from about 3pm and we needed to get back, it was a bit of a drive and my commander has just had a Hip op so we had to head off before it got to cold. I need to get the ferret running better this week, definately going to ponderosa...:-) even if i have to limp up hills! see you there Cheers matt
  11. Yes, I'll have to have a look at that. Not set the timing before, I'll have to have a read up in the manuals, is it a two man job?
  12. I've checked pretty much everything else. I'm going to check the points, ign system today. I will ring RB to check availability of pump and rebuild kit. would be good to have a spare anyway. Matt
  13. Hello guys (n'gals) My ferret strugged to get enough fuel on the hills on the way home tonight. Ive flushed the tank, cleaned the pipes, cleaned the filter and tap assembly, cleaned the banjo gauze and cleaned out the carb. I think is't time to look at the fuel pump. Regarding availability, are nos/recon pumps available or would it be better to try and get a rebuild kit? I don't think it's leaking fuel into the engine oil. Cheers Matt
  14. When you say tickets, do you mean lunch tickets or have you received some for vehicle entry? I've received lunch tickets. Cheers Matt
  15. Hello I should be going with the ferret, as long as my back holds up! It's a late afternoon evening event, I know that the notice on the wakefield council site says 9am, but thats wrong. The event is from about 4pm till dusk. I'm planning on getting there at about half 3 ish :-) I will see you there! :-) There was about 1000 vehicles of all sorts last year... but mine was the only armour :-) (smug) (about 15 mil vehs total) Cheers Matt
  16. I'm using a terminal mounted battery disconnect (screw knob) type on the negative terminal on the first battery (battery box under the air filter) There is just enough room to slide my arm in to dis/reconnect, whilst in the drivers seat - seat fully back. It was an easy fit, but the drawback is that it won't be easy or quick to disconnect the batts in the event of a problem/short. especially if I've got the lid on. It was just a temporary measure to stop the batteries going flat when the ferret was not used. Chris am i correct in saying your pictures show the key mounted in the LH (under gen panel) battery box. Does it break the connection between the two batteries (between the positive batt 1 and neg batt 2)? MT
  17. Clive is the man for this :-) My ferret stopped charging after I got it, same symptoms as your saracen. A (2nd hand, humber truck) replacement gen panel fixed it. MT
  18. I was sat in a beer garden in Huddersfield at about 2-3pm and saw a spitfire and hurricane fly directly over side by side.... no-one else in the garden looked up.... heathons!
  19. Hello Ross Yes, I have it on the register, thankyou. I am always interested in Restoration photos, I'm sure Andy would be from Ferret FV 701 website. How about sending photos to Andy to feature on his "Ferret Owners" page? Email direct: contact@ferret-fv701.co.uk and mattk_taylor@hotmail.com Cheers Matt
  20. Maybe it's not deactivated , it's in the US.
  21. Thats quite a project to undertake. I take my hat off to you!
  22. Very nice! What is the meaning of the white hubs in the service photos? MT
  23. "an American track and field athlete runs on the treadmill, causing the tank's noisy chain wheels to spin pointlessly" He must be a strong b*gger! Must be in neutral!
  24. Does anyone know when the changes were to the vertical / horizontal reinforcing ribs in the centre bin?
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