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Everything posted by john1950

  1. As long as it is not a mobile crane You can tow with it. Check with insurance company first, then get fabricating.
  2. As you know just one of the hazards when dealing with pre owned vehicles. Along with the electric gremlins, tin worm and money pit. Lots of I am sorry I forgot and the list goes on.
  3. No engine side panels, no tyre guards. not on parade. Great photos especially the engineers Half Track crane.
  4. Quite a gathering, and the sun was out
  5. Another way for us to see equipment we are never going to have access to. Thank your sister in law for taking the time to photograph and to you for posting.
  6. Unless you have the correct interceptor facilities the contence should not be washed out. Both the vapour and gell in the tank are Toxic, Hazardous to Health. A local garage with engine wash facilities may let you pressure wash the tank out as they have catch tanks necessary to collect the contence for disposal. It is illegal to flush the contence down the drain. You may have to take it to a profesional tank barrel cleaning company. There are at least two on Teeside. Wear protective clothing when handleing immediatly wash off any splashes. If you can catch all of the fluid, diesel is probably the easiest to work with to dilute the glopp. Then you can probably dispose of it at the local council waste oil collection point. I would not use household washing products in a fuel tank as they contain salt and other chemicals that can calcify and cause you problems with the rest of the fuel system. If you need a hand I do not live that far away and would be happy to help.
  7. john1950


    Thanks for posting
  8. You have to look past the patter. He goes to places and meets people with amazing vehicles, we get the chance to look over his shoulder for nothing really. Us ordinary Jack and Jills would not otherwise see these places, people, and equipment if it was not for this type of programme. I have spoken to someone locally who has Cent and Cheiftan ARVs. and I cannot get through the gate. So without spending a fortune (which I have not got) It is the only way to see them.
  9. Try a known parallel thread bolt in the head to see if it locks before bottoming out. Tappered threads will provide a mechanical thread lock for the stud so that the unf nut on the top undoes first.
  10. Huwood factory demolished some years ago. Possible Navy?
  11. Hot spanner does have its uses. Comming along nicely, each success is a battle won. Your hard work will pay of on the first drive.
  12. If the plugs sooty, are they fireing? It may pay you to remove plug leads on tickover one at a time and listen for any drop in revs. Rubber gloves may be needed. If the original plugs are fitted they have platinum tips and do not like to be dirty/sooty. It probably has a twin choke Solex carb, and there is not mutch to adjust. It may have dirt in the jets from stale petrol and just need a good clean.
  13. I tried phoning yesterday before posting their no and have had no reply yet. Have now had contact. They prefer email contact if possible, wjrbanister@btconnect.com. telephone-01797-253211 hope this helps. They have Manuals, Parts books also Engines and Spares
  14. I have not worked on RR B80s, this range of engines was designed with parts commonality in mind. Ignition Timing is very time consuming to get right, Head gaskets are an issue on B81s, especialy with aluminium heads. Block damage between cylinders is the result if not caught in time. You will have to wait for the Martian and Saracen/Saladin boys probably at the weekend for the up to date information. Motor car people seem to be hoovering up engines and parts.
  15. There are quite a few Pioneer photos on Blue Belles thread Lybia Tripleotania Lots of sand coloured stuff.
  16. Dont let those negative waves wash over you. Have you got any thoughts on a shakedown trip yet?
  17. Welcome. A very good project to start on.
  18. Dry Powder extinguishers still current for ADR regulations. Only difference is there is now more than one type of Powder extinguisher. One for ABC type fires A (Burning Solids) B (Liquid Fires) C (Gaseous Fires) and one for B and C type fires. With the usual caviat Do Not use in confined spaces without breathing apparatus, or on electrical fires use Co2. How many times would you get a choice of colours to fight different types of fires?
  19. Thanks its good to feel usefull
  20. Welcome, you are not the only one without a vehicle, but the forum is about much more than owning a vehicle.
  21. I used to work 2cm length as a max. Inspect with depth gauge for depth and visual inspection. Sorry to sound like an old record but when doing inspections wear eye protection and gloves at the very least. That might not be the cords at the bottom of the split/crack it could on older vehicles be the inner tube and it could rupture as you are probing the depth, ejecting particals at high speed in your direction.
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