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Everything posted by john1950

  1. Welcome. A great little vehicle with a checkered and yet to be pieced together history, but now getting the care it deserves. Great pictures.
  2. Hello welcome in. It never ceases to amaze me how these little things strayed so far from the factory and survived. What an adventure it must have been.
  3. We do still have that understated company JCB, beavering away. Doing both design and build as well as assembly. If we can call it ours the F1 industry is at the cutting edge of next generation development. (Excuse the pun) Over the years saftey features and engineering developments trickle through to our road vehicles. So I do not think all is lost. Are Unipower still running? Dennis still exists. Examples from abroad are not infalible A recent delivery of a well known brand from a country we love to hate of two units, resulted in one being returned solicitors letters exchanged and a New replacement being supplied. Keep opposing veiws alive do not let them go the way of the British motor industry. We can still see the whole gambit of the best of British alive and kicking at the weekends when like mindeds meet, but everyone is welcome. Now back to work where did I put that wooden spoon.
  4. There are no volume indiginous U.K. truck builders left, the builders in the U.K. are foreign owned assembly plants. Daf is American owned.
  5. Very important to ventilate the area and No naked Flames nearby.
  6. Hello, welcome in. That is quite a truck to start with. What engine does it have?
  7. Politicians and Bankers. Worst of all people in charge with no long term interest or vision. Clutch problems if there is not a mechanical reason or breakage usualy start with one driver who cannot or will not use the lower gear ratios to pull away or manoeuvre. Albion are still the go to company for Jonny foreigner to get the best diffs and important transmision parts in the world.
  8. That is where a good quality long drain oil comes into its own.
  9. Diligence and patience the answers are out there. I think the Vandyck was being used as a mother ship before it went to Norway.
  10. Fodens were sold as ultra reliable. I have a friend who had a 6by4 tipper that could catch pigeons, If he was going in the opposite direction it was always lean to passengers side and get shot blasted as he went by. That had a Cat engine. Another had an 8 legger with a Cat and always use less fuel and mostly did an extra load daily, than the Swedish compitition. These trucks were built in an age of finding out the most suitable bhp per ton was very often left to the senior driver and his preference.
  11. Spend your time fixing air leaks instead. Foden used to be the must have truck Hauliers Pride.
  12. Heat and lubrication a little at a time, and a large slice of luck.
  13. Welcome you must like a challenge
  14. Good find, the new alternator must be higher speed than the old.
  15. There was a T.V. program on the sinking of the Britanic a few years ago. I think the conclusion was a mine was the cause. I seem to remember as with the Titanic the bulkhead water tight doors were open. Sorry to digress from the original important thread. Merchant marine Sailors in the North Atlantic had an especially hard time with little or no recognition at the time.
  16. Do not worry about the image size they look great.
  17. Threads like this make the site what it is. all inclusive and facinating. During both the first and second world wars Large passenger ships were taken up for war service, some designated armed merchant cruisers and equipped with various calibers of weapons. Govenment subsidies were availlable for new build liners to cover for this situation. Some of these vessels fought with distinction probably the most famous being the Rawlpindi. I would think the least auspicious being the Titanics sister 5 Captains on the bridge and it still ran into a lumpy bit off Scotland.
  18. Thanks for persevereing with posting and getting one over on the computer. Truck is looking smart.
  19. Just have a brew and chill out. Most of the time I cannot get it to do what I want.
  20. A difficult time for you and your family please accept my condolance for your loss. Just before you posted I wondered how your restoration was going. I am restricted at the moment as I was in hospital having two stents put in on Monday so I cannot drive until next week. How can we sponser your endevour? Regards John.
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