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Everything posted by john1950

  1. Refer to modern tyre regulations if they go to cords.
  2. That is a teaser picture, always look at the background. Thanks for posting
  3. A labour of love comming along nicely Fred Divner standard riveting
  4. Rules for wreckers and cranes are pretty specific. Rulles on carrying passengers are very grey, Insurance companys are also very specific and also what is best for the passengers. It is allways less stressfull to ask first than to fill in accident forms or statements after an incident. You are going the right way about it. When a vehicle is weighed unlaiden it includes the driver and his equipment necessary to carry out his duties.
  5. Without wanting to hyjack the thread or throw petrol on the fire. By the time of Yalta Churchills influence was on the slide and he was unable to influence Stalin. He just had to go with the situation as after nearly 6 years of war Britain was weary and he knew he could not carry any more conflict.Also with the death of Sykorsky the Communists had the influence and speed to form a Government. As an aside We are very gratefull for the efforts of your Polish countrymen in all of the areas of fighting, Notably to name just a few, Monte Casino,Arnham, Battle of Britain, Code breaking and Naval endeavours. I visit a cemetery in Northumberland and allways make a point of looking out the Polish Graves. It was a long time ago and with the benefit of hindsight many things could and should have been done differently but that was the way the cards were played. At least a situation could be exploited that would lead to freedom eventually. I hope I do not upset anyone with my observations.
  6. They seem to have good survival skills out of 6 that seem to have been made at least 4 are still around.
  7. There was a problem with Supermarket fuel a few years ago in the south east. Lots of fuel pump trouble, at that time it was kept seperate from the propriatory brands. I think it just comes out of the same specification tanks now.
  8. Does it run up to full revs at standstill? Or does it miss while running up.
  9. It is interesting where the answer to a seemingly simple question leads. Some of the words that were used on a daily basis that get filed away and covered under the grey cells.
  10. Sorry I did not find out the cause, the lab was very secretive. We just had to watch for damaged areas usually about 6mm in diameter in the bottom of the tanks. Some of the tanks were only a couple of years old and had only done that job. Then the company changed hands and closed so I lost track of what was happening. I went back to Fridges and raggy sides etc.
  11. When I worked for a Bio fuel company Methanol was used in the product. I used to take it in 36000 lts at a time. U.K. fuel has to have a percentage of Bio Fuel in the mix. Methanol and water attract and the difficulty is they do not let go easily, which is where the problems come with the human body when Methanol gets in it stays. Bio Fuels generate algi when stored so no matter how you store it you have to treat and filter fuel for both algi and moisture. We also had a problem with the reclaimed cooking oil used in the product attacking the Stainless steel tankers and causing deep pitting on the inside surfaces.
  12. Just a check on the ignition timing might be an idea.
  13. There seems to be quite a debate about modern bulbs and which ones to fit. Soft or bright white
  14. Propshaft services or the local equivalent should be able to shorten it so that it fits.
  15. If you want to do a pressure check on the systerm I can lend you a kit.
  16. They look like a really handy truck. Am I right in thinking they are mostly Ford engine and running gear
  17. That chink of light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger
  18. Spotted today Scammel Pioneer A1M Northbound J61. On the bed of a very well painted an clean modern low loader. Flags flying. Looking good.
  19. Fodens were the truck of choice for Showmen years ago. Some still have them, as do some Owner Drivers, like you. If you want an automatic when it goes wrong its not as easy or cheap as a manual to repair and the fuel consumption is not as good. Swings and roundabouts. Less fatigue.
  20. Hello welcome to a fellow Northumbrian. Quite an introduction.
  21. Would be relativly easy to fit a door in the appropriate place to exit the cab
  22. You could try an air chisel with a flat head tool
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