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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. fv1609


    This was the sort of thing I was thinking of.
  2. fv1609


    Are there any part numbers? It might be for a classroom weapons training system?
  3. Did you get the tie? I have only seen one of the ties so far. What was your take on the brown with disruptive DBG, both appear to be gloss. Seemed very curious for an urban situation. There are some pictures of Pigs in urban duties painted in that scheme, as they were Mk 1 this would be pre Sept 1972 to June 1973 at the latest.
  4. Neil Wedgebury used to have an Ant & has written a thesis/history of BMC. So he would be your man, his contact is here: http://www.milweb.net/webvert/77025
  5. Maybe have a wade through these: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?7897-Post-War-British-Army-Markings
  6. Having to second two at a time, the fourth & final pair are uploading now.
  7. Howard a bit of luck, I have found the ISPL I was looking for. I think you will like these, there are seven proper line drawings showing not just the missile, separate drawings of warhead bay, body, body tube, tail cone, rocket motor assembly. There are no measurements of course, no cross-sectional views but nice clean proper drawing with lots finicky bibs & pops that modellers love I'll start scanning & send them over.
  8. It seems the early start to the school term has had a dramatic effect on attendance this year, so the event is being brought forward to the Bank Holiday weekend.
  9. I don't see anything wrong with a commercial venture per se. Such a show is a massive responsibility and risk, people undertaking this are entitled to a fair return. My equivalent of £5 per day for week seems good value & if contributes to an element of profit I have no problem with that. Much as I like meeting with other enthusiasts & looking at their vehicles, I do like interaction with the public. I don't think we should treat the public with contempt, there are some very stupid people out there but amongst our visitors are veterans, people who have worked in the defence industry, people who have lived in places where these vehicles have been used, people who had relatives that have stories or even photos to share. I just wish there was a way of getting them round the vehicle areas more readily not just the trade stalls.
  10. The thing is Tony it would have been cheaper not to have painted it that colour & just left it green. That would have made it less of an eyesore although it is daft having a Mk 2 Pig used by anyone as they had not yet been constructed. Now if they had called the film '73 or late '72 they could have got away with it. Although the RUC were not using Humber in those years either. Very poor research.
  11. If anyone is interested its on the box: Tomorrow on Film4 Freeview from 9:00pm to 10:55pm
  12. Mark you may have to! If I understood this lady correctly she mentions deacts & the Paris attack at 1.30 then listen at 3.15, 3.59, 4.11. She seems to be saying that parts used in the attack were bought legally on the internet I think suggesting to modify deacts? http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/player.cfm?sitelang=en&ref=I112437&videolang=EN&starttime=0&endtime=0&autostart=true
  13. Bernard so you realise if you are walking round visiting the other exhibits you will not be entitled to have a pee on your travels & presumably would no member of the public? This would have to be carried out in the main trade area where there would be no restriction? Or are the restrictions just for after dark? I could see that might have unintended consequences for those nearby. :-X
  14. Richard I couldn't understand the tick box that seemed to imply it as an optional facility. Yet the general wording suggests there will be that charge to use the facilities but it wasn't clear to me if that was perhaps if one wanted a night time pee. If it is an obligatory option it would be clearer to make the "facility fee" of £25 that one already pays lumped in with this extra facility fee it would be more honest to charge £35 & be done with it. Even so for a stay for one week then £5 a day is very good value! I hadn't intended to make this a public issue but it is something that has been raised by others. It annoys me that rather than going public I made a polite query a month ago yet I was ignored.
  15. I saw this & was confused as there was a tick box beside it suggesting it was an option. I did write to them a month ago asking for clarification as I thought the £25 "facility fee" included access to a lavatory. But I have received no reply. The only facilities I really need are water & an emptying point for my portaloo. I don't know how the access to lavatories around the site would be policed. Suppose a visitor walking around our exhibits felt the need to use a facility would they be barred from access & told to go to the main trade area where I imagine there would be freer access?
  16. Well there may be a lot more of this available: http://www.mod-sales.com/auction/vehicle/home/41779/10_x_Hexamine_Solid_Fuel.htm Because: http://www.militarysystems-tech.com/articles/company-lands-wonderfuel-military-contract
  17. Tim thank you for that even if I get those it won't be a complete set because I don't know when they started! The earliest I have found is 1890 & that is a print to order that comes from India. Richard, well I think my first choice might be EMERs their structure & evolution, followed by the structure of the WO Registry system & its impact on Army publications & then yes structure of HMSO publications & how they evolved. Although thinking about it perhaps as you suggest the HMSO might be the one to go for first, seeing as The Stationery Office & the Cabinet Office over several FOI requests seem to have no comprehension of how publications were codified. I think I do know now having scrutinised over 10,000 entries a pattern has emerged, although that kept changing! Hmm I can feel an article coming on but would anyone want to read it :-X
  18. Got a few more now! So have all of them from 1894 to 1984 (other than 1981) Quite a bit of reading ahead!
  19. Often referred to as a Wolf trailer. I sold one earlier in the year with a WCP (Water Carriage Pack) for £450. So that is a ball park figure for one up together, location of course can have an effect if you have a lower collection of MV enthusiasts in your catchment area.
  20. Humber FV1602 initially just used WS19 (not Pig)
  21. BS 381C is the standard for "Colours for ready mixed paints" Sky Blue is defined as shade 101 & make sure you do specify BS 381C as there is a Sky Blue in RAL that is much darker.
  22. Spot on Richard, a couple of my Pig rims have them.
  23. Yes well done! Although they managed to print Her Masety's on the cover. But no excuse for the crown because the book itself was published in 1955.
  24. Well 35 of these turned up today, just couldn't resist them. From 1949 -1984 (less 1981) These contain information on publications from all branches of Government including the War Office/MOD. It will also help me further in cracking an additional coding system used in certain HMSO publications from 1926-66. Something that FOI requests to MOD, Cabinet Office & Stationery Office failed to reveal. Incidentally anyone spot what's wrong with this particular edition?
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