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Credit card scam

Great War truck

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I was just looking at my credit card bill that came today. Came across a name that i had never heard of and a debit for £30, then found another one for £40 then another for £50. Looked at the previous statment and came across six more. So they have taken £330+ out of my credit card.


Phoned the bank and they suggested that i had taken out an on line subscription (suggesting porn) that i have certainly not done. Anyway, they are going to look into it and get their disputes team to phone me, but tell me that they can not guarantee getting the money back - which is probably just a standard procedure (i hope).


The debits involved are to companies with the name Pushpmt.com, cashpubs.com and Hostpops.com. They all have an identical website which says that "I have an unidentified debit on my credit card" and to find out more details that I should enter my details to register with them.


Has anybody come across this before. I am a bit miffed to say the least.


Tim (too)

Edited by Great War truck
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Not heard of any of these but have you checked your firewall, anti-virus and other internet security are up to date?


Sounds like maybe some card details could've been harvested off your computer. Alternately it may be someone you've recently dealt with has the lax security and have let your card details slip to someone unscrupulous.


Have you cancelled the card with the bank/card company to make sure no further transactions take place? They don't always automatically do this now despite you complaining about fraud.


Sorry to hear about this and hope you get it sorted with no loss to yourself.

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Have you cancelled the card with the bank/card company to make sure no further transactions take place? They don't always automatically do this now despite you complaining about fraud.



I thought that they would have done, but phoned them back to check and they had not done so. They have done so now though!


I am fuming as this is partly my own fault, as i have been lax at looking at my credit card statement. The credit card co blurb suiggests that they will only cover the most recent statement. Ahhh! All my W&P spending money stolen!!! And i wasnt even drunk!!!


Tim (too)

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My sympathies. I had a similar experience with a Visa Debit Card from the Halifax. Someone had got my Wife's card details (Joint account), and made some charges. The Halifax did stop some of them automatically, but a couple did get through. We complained to the Halifax, and after filling in a form, we got all our money back and a new card for the Wife after stopping the cloned one. We now check ALL statements VERY carefully. Trouble is, the thief could have got your card details months ago, and only started this scam recently to avoid being caught.

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Has anybody come across this before. I am a bit miffed to say the least.


Tim (too)


We had exactly the same problem a couple of years ago Tim, turned out to be payments for online gambling. RBS were most helpful and gave a full refund but when it happened again we insisted on new cards.

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B,T phoned me early one saturday morning to say did i know someone was using my phone line on friday nights to ring premium rate numbers. (This was a few years ago when i had dial up,only happened when i was online) , as im the only one using this phone ,they said someone had connected to my line !.

They never charged me , and put and immediate lock on 09 numbers .....

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Had my card cloned a couple of years ago - first I knew about it was when it was refused in Tesco's filling station after I'd just filled the truck up with diesel :shake: . Fortunately I sorted that out & spoke to visa who had detected the fraud & put a stop on the card the day before . Luckily I didn't loose any money & it was all sorted very quickly but I never did find out where the fault lay .

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