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Random Military Artifacts from the Musee De L'Armee

Jessie The Jeep

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With no particular place that they all fit, I decided to stick this random collection of pictures all in here. Everything was seen on my recent trip to the Musee De L'Armee in Paris.


Amongst the unusual items are a WW1 Trench rifle. Not sure of its proper name, but it is sighted via a periscope arrangement so it can be fired without sticking your head into the line of fire. Unfortunately it was displayed in a very reflective glass case which makes the picture difficult to see clearly.


Other interesting armaments included a B-17 or B-24 Ball Turret, a scale model of a heavy artillary piece ( all made in metal ), dozens of cannons, an early tank, machine gun, a WW1 Le Rhone rotary aero engine, and enough suits of armour to kit out every member of this forum and have some left over!!!!











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