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Biiten by the bug..


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But I've no idea what one :cry:


Met up with Lee and Ian yesterday over at the Bunker to drop off some jerry cans Lee kindly lent me, Then the plan was to head down to the Fort to help out with some tent erecting and then today attend the Eastham remembrance service - was going in the Stalwart but as we all know she never made it back.

However by the time I left Lee & Ian my stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots so I headed straight home and, apart from accompanying the missus out to a wedding anniversary do in the evening I've been in and out of the smallest room all night and all today..


No idea what the bug is but nothing (i.e. Rennies, Imodium and related quackery) is touching it so it's a case of wait and see... Damned thing's made me miss the Remembrance service and I'm feeling rather gutted by that right now..... :cry: :cry:

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something going round mate me my wife and baby boy had this for a week , got over this now started with cold .... p.s it was the worst stomach ache ive ever had . get well soon .................:(


Thanks mate - I was the other way around, had a cold first then got the bug. Definitely agree with the description of the worst stomach ached ever had!! :cry:

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