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Rather than start another forum could the title "Book Reviews" be altered

to include web site recommendations or does anybody have a better suggestion for web site inclusion elsewhere?


Hi mate.


Your wish is my command 8) When I have built the front page we will have a good links page but I think it would also be good to have a section here as then it allows for a ceratin amount of discussion on it.


I was looking for some information this morning for Ward La France wreckers and came across this site

http://www.tanxheaven.com/referencepictures.htm#allied may not be the latest news for some of us but it is for me 8) a great reference site.........and some great pictures of Ward La Frances :oops:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are some of my favorites



wehrmacht-awards.com this is a fantastic site which began like this one only a few years ago. Though not vehicle orientated has masses of info on all aspects of militaria collecting, Do not be put off by the size of this forum i know many decent guys on here some real friends in the collecting sense many of which i have never met !



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hi all,

this is where the saracen is stored and it could do with a bit of publicityhttp://www.coalhousefort.co.uk


Hi Saracenstump,


are you down the Fort Sunday? we will be down there as we have a meet with Colin about putting a MV show on there this year, I'll have some booking forms with me for our show in May at the Nuclear Bunker if you want one.

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hi safariswing,

no i'm not down there sunday as i'm going to firepower!as for your show i go on holiday on the 20th for a week bummer!!!!!!!!!!







:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

but if you could leave a couple of forms for some of the other guys





No problem will leave some there, will be trying to get to Firepower in the afternoon so may see you there..

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  • 3 years later...

While searching for other thinsg found this book review although it a limited view what they show is worth reading this slection is on artillery and sp guns and a number of light vehicles and trucks


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