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German Cemetery Ysselsteyn

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Today, after visiting the museum I went to the only German war cemetery in the Netherlands


After the war, all the german casualties were reburied here. Now there are over 31.000 graves all marked by a concrete cross in a massive cemetery. Every soldier has it's own cross and it's the only German cemetery on foreign soil to grant them that honor.

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Many Thanks for posting these pic's.


With the Rememberence comemorations just around the corner, I feel its as important to remember those who fell fightong for 'the other side'.

after all, they were all someones fathers, sons, etc.





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Thanks for posting Joris,

the German troops are usually buried in in groups of four from what i recollect.


I always remember at School whilst in Germany attending the German ceremonies, and when in the cadets marching with survivors and (then) current Bundeswehre forces .


Despite all the bad press i am know (i have met some) not all Germans were bad.



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That must have been one hekkuva job reburying them. What were the graves of the ones by the path Joris? The ones with the bushes behind them?



Those are "shared" graves, these are the only ones on the cemetery.

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