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Morris C8 FAT Mk3 No.5 Body

Kent Transport History

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Just to update some people who saw the Morris for sale on Facebook a few weeks ago. 

It was removed from Facebook, as it became aware, that the older family members who owned the land on which the vehicle was sitting, would not allow it's removal across their land, as it was blocked by a large cesspit too weak to move anything over, some buildings, and other obstacles. This was actually the reason WHY it had been sitting there for so long, at first, it all seemed like a joke, but they kindly relented, and allow a site visit, which showed us just how hard any recovery would be. 

So to make it happen at all, a madcap plan was needed. The only option was to get it rolling on site, slew it, move it down an embankment, across 2 ditches, and out 1/4 of a mile through a wood! Finally, yesterday, after a few trips digging it out of it's 50 year resting place, getting it movable, and starting the slow, and really tricky job of extracting it from a wood, it's out in the open. 

I think we did it, just to show to ourselves it could be done, and to also see it saved before it fades away.  Anyone Who knows Gordon Reeves (AKA 'Flash') knows how good he is at solving these kinds of problems. It was a LOT of graft!

Was very surreal to sit in it, and steer it through the woods. An elderly gentleman who has known of the truck all his life, came and watched proceedings. The Truck was one of a number converted at a local garage, and was used as a wooding winch tractor. It has seen some hard times, but is mostly still there, remains of one door was found, along with one good fuel tank, and some other parts. Luckily, everything missing is easier to make stuff. 

As from here? Time to remove everything non WW2, and see what's needed. Contract number Appears to be V4999 - 273 

We are not sure if we will restore it ourselves yet, as we have a C4 project that is going to take a long time, plus other projects, but at least it's saved!









Edited by Kent Transport History
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