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Hi from Oz

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Hi everyone. I'm Wayne and I'm on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia.


My historic military vehicle is a Type VII WLA Harley Davidson. I got it as a complete basket case and didn't really do anything with it for a year or so but I've finally got around to starting it. The engine and gearbox are rebuilt and ready to be mounted. Apart from that, I've been getting parts as they become available and a couple of weekends ago, I fabbed up a stand to mount the frame on so I can work on it off the floor.



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Hi from Nowra NSW.

Please post your progress with the Harley.

I have my dad's old one sitting hidden away with most of the army fittings on it including the ammo box and Thompson holder on the front of it.

It is slowly deteareating due to lack of use.

The good thing about a WLA is they are simple and plenty of reproduction parts are available.


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