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New member from the Cotswolds

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Thanks All. I'm after Welbike advice. I have an original MK2 restoration project - wheels, engine, carb, frame, petrol tanks. I've been told the engine and frame number match. It's not complete but almost. I'm in two minds whether to restore it or to sell it - it's been in the family for many years so not an easy decision but I think the time has come to do something! The thing is, I have no idea what it's worth or where I would start if I was to tackle its restoration... Any advice/pointers/people I should speak to would be massively appreciated!

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If you sell it you'll regret it! What might have been. If you rebuild it you'll regret it! A lot of work and hunting about for missing bits. BUT. At least if you rebuild it you can then mix with a select group of people who wander around muddy feilds full of green machines sticking thier heads under other peoples bonets, talking , laughing, sleeping in tents, visting historic places and genrally have a hell of a time. Welcome in.

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