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Greetings from the Great White North


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Hello to all. I was born in GB but have been in Canada for 48yrs and live there now. I have a small collection of MVs and found this site and it looks like a wealth of information. I hope to learn and observe and if I think I have anything that I can help anyone with I will contribute as much as I can. I am retired from 8 yrs with the Military and 23 with the Police and Corrections and 2 yrs with Customs. I have had a great interest in all things military since my service and volunteer at a local Museum and work on there Vehicles and weapons. Ed Williamson AKA-Eddy


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That picture is of my back yard from last April. We hide from our winters down in AZ in the US from Oct to the end of April. We are in AZ now and will head back the first week of April and normaly there is no more snow but sometimes like last winter there is. I do not have any of my toys down here I have to leave them all at home so go through withdrawal here. Eddy

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