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Eden Camp Photos - March 3rd '07

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Funnily enough - I got dragged over to North Weald market by the wife on Sat and - whilst sitting in the car wondering why women love shopping - got jerked into reality by the sound of a Merlin. Seconds later a PR - Mk 9 I think - Spitfire (blue all over) roared low overhead, turned into the circuit and landed. A lovely reminder of what life must have been like back in the late Thities and Forties when North Weald was an active fighter station and a great comparison to the sounds of the Yak and pair of Jet Provosts that had been operating all day.


It has to be said - Rolls Royce engines, be they in aircraft or MV's are a joy to hear!!!


that would be the one we got for one of our dedications at the fort!he also owns a p51 and a p40 lucky man!!!!!http://www.hangar11.co.uk

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Thats the one Stuart - he is indeed a luck man!!


The sound of the Merlin passing overhead made all the light types taking off afterwards sound like rattley old sewing machines!!


Fuuny - some years ago the wife and I went to the London-Brighton veteran car run; we saw some old 30's Bentley gos past and compared to the sound of them the Ferraris that followed sounded like the same rattley old sewing mchines

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