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Eden Camp Photos - March 3rd '07

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"Jack, we gotta do some serious training here !"


"Give him 500 lines Jack......'I must learn differentiate ..........etc'"


"Nah, give him a 1000 and make him push both vehicles, he'll never forget......"


Sound familiar??


Jack - could see me after school please :evil:



I will have to set up some aircraft recognition tests if you're gonna remain on our side!!



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Come on Jack, you got to try harder, its not a spitfire its a ....???? :-D



Depends which photo our fearless leader was referring to !!! First one in the first post is indeed a Hurricane - but a Spitfire, GE - P, is indeed there a bit further on.... (5th post IIRC)

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Depends which photo our fearless leader was referring to !!! First one in the first post is indeed a Hurricane - but a Spitfire, GE - P, is indeed there a bit further on.... (5th post IIRC)




I would like to congratulate my soon to be Intelligence officer as it was indeed the Spit that I was referring to futher down the list!


Many thanks Neil picking those guys up on that!



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I was guessing Jack was referring to the 'flying' shot that made him look twice, and that is indeed a Hurricane, even though a fibreglass one!





Cos, I thought that the Supermarine has four props where as this one only has three....

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The very early Mk1 Spits had two blade wooden props. These were later changed to the three blade Rotol ( ? ) prop. As engine power increased, more blades were added to absorbe the power being produced, ie 4 blade. On the very late Spits with Griffon engines, they had massive 5 blade props to absorb the 2000+HP the engines produced.


The GRP replica is a Mk9 or slightly later version, and has a 4 blade prop fitted, and probably came from the moulds that were made for the "Piece of Cake" LWT Television series, though more recently, some were made for the Pearl Harbor film.



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The very early Mk1 Spits had two blade wooden props. These were later changed to the three blade Rotol ( ? ) prop. As engine power increased, more blades were added to absorbe the power being produced, ie 4 blade. On the very late Spits with Griffon engines, they had massive 5 blade props to absorb the 2000+HP the engines produced.


The GRP replica is a Mk9 or slightly later version, and probably came from the moulds that were made for the "Piece of Cake" LWT Television series, though more recently, some were made for the Pearl Harbor film.





......knew that :whistle:

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Funnily enough - I got dragged over to North Weald market by the wife on Sat and - whilst sitting in the car wondering why women love shopping - got jerked into reality by the sound of a Merlin. Seconds later a PR - Mk 9 I think - Spitfire (blue all over) roared low overhead, turned into the circuit and landed. A lovely reminder of what life must have been like back in the late Thities and Forties when North Weald was an active fighter station and a great comparison to the sounds of the Yak and pair of Jet Provosts that had been operating all day.


It has to be said - Rolls Royce engines, be they in aircraft or MV's are a joy to hear!!!

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