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Posting problems - getting one block of text, no paragraphs etc.


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  • 1 month later...
My problem is the number of times I get HMVF site not responding. Needing resets each time.

Takes 3 times as long to make posts so now dont normaly bother



Hi Jeff, have you tried a different browser?


I had that recently, the problem was one of my Firefox add-ons, cured it by turning all of them off and restarting them one a time, checking HMVF at each change.


Removed the problem one and all OK and back up to speed now.


hope this helps

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Regarding loss of text layout, I use Iceweasel (a Firefox derivative) with the NoScript plugin v2.6 and if I forget to enable scripts from hmvf.co.uk I have similar symptoms - easily cured by setting up the plugin at least in my case



Edited by g0ozs
correct browser name
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  • 2 months later...

I have a similar problem. It's not a constant occurrence, but it has happened several times now. Basically put I'm typing away and when I try to hit enter to get a carriage return to start a new paragraph it simply doesn't work. My cursors just sits there at the end of the last line of text. Every thing else works fine and I can use the mouse point to move around to any point within the text already written but I can't start a new paragraph. In fact I've just tried it now and I still can't do it!


I get around the problem by cutting the text from my post and pasting it into Notepad and adding the CR's there. However, and here's the interesting thing. In order for it to work properly I have to add two CR's (carriage returns) in Notepad to ensure that I have one CR in the editor on HMVF. If I use only one CR in notepad then the HMVF editor does not recognise that as a CR and puts all the text into one large pargraph, so I have to add two CR's. For the record this happens on two PC's I use.On my laptop I am using IE 9 but it also happens on the family PC and which uses IE 10)


If I had to hazzard a guess I'd say it was one of the plugins on HMVF that has been upgraded in the last couple of months. Or, more likely, it'll have something to do with the hosting company upgrades to something like ModSecurity which is known to have issues with Vbulletin and other PHP based forums!


Not sure how'd you'd test for that but on my own forum I recently discovered an issue with adding certain strings of text in posts. Any post that had the words "strap on" in it could not be posted. So for instance if I was discussing a MkIV rifle that came with it's strap on then the post simply wouldn't be permitted. As it happened it transpired to be ModSecurity getting a bit touchy about what it though was appropriate language to be used on my forum (I always thought that was my job). Anyway, I mention it only as a possible route of investigation for the mods!

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I had the same problem and I the answer was found on here: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?37634-Spaces-between-lines


Basically you have to click the button in the top left of posting options with the two A's (if you move your curser over it the wording: Switch Editor to Source Mode will appear).


However having said all of that I've just posted this up without having to do this.



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