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Introduction from Landrover obsessed 110 and sankey trailer owner


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Greetings, my name is Eric, some call me Meatslicer (you dont want to know why).


I am a frustrated engineer who couldnt get onto an apprenticeship from school because I was allergic to deisel. Ended up training as a nurse and working for years in the NHS. My hobbies include building unusual things to fill my ever shrinking garden and drive, including an observatory for my son, a furnace for melting bronze and alluminium, an overland trailer, which doubles as a caravan for long weekends away metal detecting and doing archaeological digs, made from a Sankey 3/4 ton trailer and landrover roof and sides.


I am always checking out old military vehicles and the only thing that has stopped me buying a saracen from witham is the transport cost and the lack of space to park it in my front garden.


My latest project is to strip down a landrover 110 to the chassis and rebuild it as a replica snatch or special forces soft top. Havent decided yet until the strip down is done and I can see how much weight the chassis can take. All this will be done on my drive in full view of some very up tight and nosey neighbours who will be having kittens while I have effectively a scrap vehicle outside their living room window.:cool2::cry:


Nice to find other like minded peeps.


Look forward to sharing my interests and problems with you all.



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