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Great War truck

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I came across a very interesting MV up for sale in the USA. It was described as having an incorrect title. Can any of the more knowledgable or US readers explain to me exactly what a title comprises and how do you get one if for example you purchased a vehicle without one, or get it corrected which in this case would be necessary. I also understand that you cant export a vehicle without title. Any thoughts or suggestions please?





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Think of the title as being the US equivalent of the V5, or V55, or whatever we are calling it this week - basically a document with name, address, description, chassis number, buyer and or seller. Only thing to beware of is that US Customs will not normally let a vehicle without a title, or with an incorrect title, out of the US. They can make exceptions for something that leaves as, say a bare chassis or mixed parts, but not many. Another exception would be a special purpose vehicle that would not be licensed for ordinary road use, but don't count on that.


Depending on the location, there are 'titling companies' that will raise a title for it in your name for a fee, usually several hundred US Dollars but no huge deal procedurally. The thing to avoid is buying something and moving it dockside where it can't be put in a container because of this, runs up storage charges by the day and if unresolved can get junked.


So, is the seller willing to deal with a titling company to get a title raised, or are they willing to sell you the item and let it remain on their property till someone else can do it before uplift? Another port of call is a good vehicle shipping company ( call Kingstown Shipping in Hull, ask for Alan, Mark, or Steve, and tell them Gordon sent you ... ) They MAY be able to assist in getting a title raised, directly or indirectly.


Last time I had this problem I had two Dodges I couldn't ship, both in scrap order, and I had to pay a company in Kentucky or the like through a third party to get this done - worked though.


You need a friendly seller and a good shipping company - first question would be what is incorrect on the current title document....

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Nice, a light repair truck I think, and most of the needed bits are there if it has something under the hood.


I'm not sure that hood number is right, far too many characters, but the correct number may be in there somewhere.


Some of these things sell for huge amounts of money and some go very reasonable

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