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From deepest Dorset


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I'm Stan

Have lurked around the site for a while and now decided to join in! One reason being that I've just been taken on as a workshop volunteer at the tank museum at Bovington and there friends chat area is now hosted here. As a new boy I have thus far cleaned the sink, swept a floor and hacked about in the scrapyard. However, to be fair they did let me ride in a Canadian Leopard. Yes!

I am interested in all aspects of the military and recently wrote the history of all the men mentioned on the village war memorial who died in WW1. I also build scale models tanks/trucks/ planes. Currently building an Austin K2 Ambulance model for a desert scenario.

I own a 1978 Series 3 ex military Landie which began life with a TA Signals unit in Lenton Nottingham I have a stamp in the paperwork that reads " 38th Signal Regiment (V) LAD REME" If anyone can decipher that for me I would be thankful! Then in 1989 it was sent to Jordan as part of an exercise named Purple Victory. The army left it there and it was used by the British Defence Attache who subsequently had it shipped back to the UK in a C1-30 in 1992. The guy who brought it back lived opposite me and last year he sold it to me for £50. It was a bit ratty but have worked on it since. As I go shooting and need to take the dog It looks more farm than army! Here tis as of now:

birds eye.jpg

Edited by edorc
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