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Pictures of Humber Pig Belfast 1973

Strangely Brown

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Thank you very interesting on several grounds.


It is an early Mk 2 ie uparmoured in Op Bracelet, but it doesn't yet have the large vision block for driver & passenger. At this stage it still has the original visors but fitted with additional sheet visors with a hole for the No.17 Periscope. The original lockered front wings are still there, not been smashed up to warrant the repro wings.


Also very early 1970s is the red glow patch at the top of the radiater, I expect there were similar ones & the sides & rear.


Early flyer with the mesh screens.


03 BK 20 was originally a FV1613 ie Mk 1 Ambulance then it was converted to FV1611 APC role in NI & uparmoured. But it was later converted back to a FV1613 but of course now a Mk 2 Ambulance.


It was struck off to Skyddsvant Sweden on 2/4/94


It was later owned by Adam who was active on this forum until a couple of years ago until he sold it. If you go back probably in the Humber Pig Pictures thread you will find pictures of it. In fact you will find another picture of it still as a flyer that I posted up.

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I also found this, Larkhill circa 1969 and one of the OP vehicles parked behind a purpose built OP.

The decal on the door is the Bengal Tiger for 143 Tombs's Troop Bty.

When we got to Belfast some of the lads recognised the registrations of some of the Pigs we lost in around 1970.




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That was a nice surprise.


If I had just got the 2nd digit of the first 2-digit block I could probably have worked out the registration. Of course the first digit would be limited to 0, 1, 2 or 3. So it was either a FV1611 or FV1612 FFW but seems not modified to FFR.

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Now that I am getting the measure of this forum and the amount of information which some of you have, I will post pictures that before I would have deemed nobody would have any interest in.

Belfast 1973 taken at the back of Ulster TV, this was our motorised back to a sanger on the Ormeua Road.



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I will post pictures that before I would have deemed nobody would have any interest in.



It is satisfying for us teasing out these details which on a casual glance may not mean too much to non enthusiasts (of Humbers). I'm glad you can rightly gain satisfaction for airing these personal archives for us to share. Thank you it is so nice to see fresh material.


I thought I had a picture of 15 BK 54 as a Mk 1, but can't find it.


This is an early Mk 2 still has the early sheet metal visors over the Mk 1 visors ie no vision blocks yet. Extended wing mirrors near doors (unlike Mk 1 mirrors on door hinges) not yet reached midway on the engine bay & moved to front wings in 1977.


Unusual RSJ type barricade removers, these pre-date Mk 2 & were left over from their earlier NI Mk 1 role. In fact there were at least two of these RSJ type Mk1 Pigs in Bloody Sunday which of course pre-dates Op Bracelet up armouring.


Very unusual to see the ERM on the 'bonnet' with these RSJ rams it was usually on the top bar on nearside. But something has happened or been done to this ram as there are pieces welded on the nearside. This type of flat ram is based on the RUC designed ram fitted to 3077 EZ, although that was more sophisticated being adjustable & slightlty snow-plough in shape.


I surprised the offside locker is not locked or secured with a nut & bolt thus preventing 'stuff' being planted.


The marking below the ERM looks like A/F 3/73 when the anti-freeze was changed or due to be changed.


I see the Truncheon, wood, hickory not an Army item the Domestic Management Code for these shows it is RN Shore Patrol equipment!

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wow clive you really know your stuff and spot things on the photos that dont really stand out to others ie the front welded nudge bar probaly from an earlier accident ! ;)


You would have thought the repair could have withstood the ERM being painted on again! But I suspect as the sign writer made such a good job on the bonnet there was no point changing it back.

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Looking at the off-side wing locker it seems to have been crushed quite badly. I would thought that lid would have been written off because the current lid looks pretty straight.


This lid must have come from another Pig as the ratio of the central hasp to the side bits on the lid are all equal. The replacement lids had a different ratio to give improved width for the hasp which could break off easily. The hasp on new lid was half the total length (not a third) & the lid side supporting tubes for the hinge were a quarter each (not a third).


When I say replacement lids these were NOS for Mk 1, they were not re-manufactured for NI. When front wings were replaced in NI they were a little thicker, had no lockers & were strengthened underneath by two parallel U sections rather than the original diagonal cruciform arrangement.

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Ok so it looks like 23 BK 80. This was originally struck off on 22/8/69 for £55 & recovered to NI on 17/11/72 for up-armouring in Op Bracelet. Finally struck off as a range target in 24/8/94. A rather ignominious end.


Again early Mk 2 still with sheet metal visors over Mk 1 visors. But now wing mirrors moved to midway down the engine bay. Might seem unusual to see a Mk 2 with no barricade ram but the EMER for this upgrade was only issued in 1975.


High vis red patches on both vehicles typical of early 1970s.


The Wheel Barrow I believe is a Mk 5.

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Brilliant! Yes, please keep posting the pics. Believe me we cannot (ever) be bored with any in service pics!


Thank you


(Clive I also bow to you superior humber knowledge, I'm longing for the day where i have room to keep a pig and email you asking for help in buying one :-))

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I again second the above, the 'in service' pictures are worth their weight in gold. Please keep them coming. No one getting bored here. In fact any pictures from Ireland 70-80 not just where Pigs are concerned!


Clive....you forgot to mention the Boot, DMS, size 8, correctly laced ;);):-D


Seriously, I love to go over Clives comments on the pictures......he spots so much more than the obvious.

What Clive does not know about Pigs is just not worth knowing. (proper gem)



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I regret to say that I am running out of good Pig pictures, here is one of my favourites.


York Street Belfast June 1973, a second or two after it detonated, I have a very blurred picture of the road next my feet at the moment of detonation.....

Also included is a gratuitous shot of the steering collumn from the flat boot Cortina, which according to eyewitness's hit the Saracen!





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A good demonstration of the positioning the high vis red patches on all types of vehicle. Still sheet steel visors, no ram operated vision blocks yet.


June 1973, good to have a date mark because I can see it is pre-Sept 1973. This was the date when the plate for supporting the base for VHF whip for the Pye W15 was fitted to the roof rear offside.


Also pre-August 1973 when Major Pearce's adjustable mount for the Discharger Smoke Grenade No11 Mk 1 was fitted to the mid front near side roof over the circular aerial downlead port (already present on all Pigs)


Can't make out if it is 23 BK 60 or 23 BK 80. Both were FV1612 FFW converted to FV1611 role & uparmoured. I see it has no extractor fans. Appears to have no comms. Although the side-on Pig is clearly on HF judging by the length of the two whips. Despite the arrival of the VHF Pye Westminsters later on in the year there was a delay in them being operational due to problems with the delivery of the correct crystals.

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Takes me back to patrolling the Ormeau Road & Ravenhill Road from Sunnyside Street barracks (73).:drive:


As an aside to Clives technical view of the vehicles......the pigeon on the far right appears to be in a vertical dive.......shrapnel ? :nut:



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A good demonstration of the positioning the high vis red patches on all types of vehicle. Still sheet steel visors, no ram operated vision blocks yet.


June 1973, good to have a date mark because I can see it is pre-Sept 1973. This was the date when the plate for supporting the base for VHF whip for the Pye W15 was fitted to the roof rear offside.


Also pre-August 1973 when Major Pearce's adjustable mount for the Discharger Smoke Grenade No11 Mk 1 was fitted to the mid front near side roof over the circular aerial downlead port (already present on all Pigs)


Can't make out if it is 23 BK 60 or 23 BK 80. Both were FV1612 FFW converted to FV1611 role & uparmoured. I see it has no extractor fans. Appears to have no comms. Although the side-on Pig is clearly on HF judging by the length of the two whips. Despite the arrival of the VHF Pye Westminsters later on in the year there was a delay in them being operational due to problems with the delivery of the correct crystals.


23BK80, looking at the enlarged image on my computer.

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23BK80, looking at the enlarged image on my computer.


Right ok. Sold off at Ruddington 10/6/69 sold for £55.


Recovered to 38 Central Workshops 17/11/72


Struck off 28/4/94 as a range target.


Dooh that sounds familiar already done this one! Sorry

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