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Hello from Hampshire


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Hi i am an ex- military vehicle owner of two Ferrets and well as a WW2 re-enactor. I have restored a few vehicles in the past and have a small workshop copying and making things and have most equipment for such jobs but if I don’t, I know a man who has.

I have had quite a few projects in the past, restoring radio's making carts etc and have some projects lined up for the future. If i seem to pester members here for measurements and sizes that’s because i am making a copy of it. The hardest part about making anything is finding the drawings and blue prints, finding an original to get the measurements from or scaling up pictures and line drawings, the easy part is making it.

As for re-enacting i have just started a mine warfare display and have most of the detectors and nasties for display, anyone interested in teaming up with the same thing let me know, my first display this year got the public really interested.

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Hello and welcome to HMVF, any pics of your mine detecting display, :cool2:


I have a picture of some of the mines, as you can see a few of the German mines that were used against the allies.

My detectors all working include SCR625 AN/PRS1, No;4a, just need a Polish No;3 detector to the collection.


Edited by BC312
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