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Austin K9 what goes here?


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Crowbar & pick axe head. Don't know what goes in the looped bit, possibly a 4-ton screw jack?


yes screw jack


Many thanks its always appreciated


Screw Jack would it be the type in the picture? That type of Jack and handles could be stored in the same area..... Sorry if I sounds like I am on a fishing trip. His vehicle was an ex Radio vehicle converted into a General Service vehicle (GS) the pick, handle and the helve were mounted on the side of the cab leaving an unoccupied space in the passenger door area.



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Sorry I somehow assumed it was a FV16003 I looked in FVRDE Spec 9533 & found this.




If you can tell me the FV design I can see if I've got the spec for that.


I think the screw jack would be more like this one.



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