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hi there can u explain why if true all reinactors battles are to be held in the main arena,are the showers going to work better than last year ?think these and other questions are better asked and answered on the site rather than by pm .

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Welcome to the forum

think these and other questions are better asked and answered on the site rather than by pm .

Agreed!! may be it will save a lot of rumours & speculation about the show if questions were answered here on the Forum.. maybe start a thread in the W&P Board http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/forumdisplay.php?35-War-amp-Peace-show please use this threads just for your welcomes..


Obviously if the question is related to a specific booking enquiry or to enquire about transport then that should be kept to email..

Edited by Marmite!!
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Welcome Georgina!


I can appreciate the fun and games in trying to meet the aspirations of everyone who frequents War and Peace - the show's very success is in part due to the wide variety of people who participate, that variety being the very thing which makes it next to impossible to please everyone.


Having said that, many of the views expressed here do seem to be very valid points which would not take vast effort or cost to satisfy.


If the incoming fire gets too hot you'd be welcome to make use of my secret air raid shelter hidden within the vast Club House grounds, but please - not when I'm hiding in it!!!!! :shake:

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Welcome Georgina!


If the incoming fire gets too hot you'd be welcome to make use of my secret air raid shelter hidden within the vast Club House grounds, but please - not when I'm hiding in it!!!!! :shake:


Tony, if you spent less time hiding in there, maybe your Autocar would be finished by now! :whistle:

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Welcome Georgina

Keep up the good work we enjoy the show and always have a good time. We have done away with using the showers and toilets on site due to people treating them so badly(do they treat their ones at home like this?) The show could do with being more relaxed but i guess with the many public on site and the size of the show that wont happen!:-(

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