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What Is Heliops Doing?


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Hi all.


I am more than happy to report after 20 hours of looking for my phone in the Chieftain engine bay - success has come to those who persist.


I borrowed a scopie-thing from a friend of mine.


I spent a couple of hours looking for it using the scope but had no success.


Then Grasshopper and Nick paid me a visit to discuss painting options for the ARRV and stayed for a while.


When they left I decided to have one more search before I wrote the phone off as I had to return the scope to my friend.


Hey presto - there it was.




You can just see the rear of the phone in the scope screen. What you can see is the camera lens and flash unit.


I managed to re-locate the phone to where I could see it and get at it.




I still couldn’t reach it but managed to use a drain rod and raise it just high enough to get hold of it.


It was covered in oil and muck as the bottom of a Chieftain engine bay is not the cleanest of places as you can imagine.




I’m even happier to report after a clean up and re-charge the phone is in full working order.


I can now give it to the Naughty-Nurse as her phone has seen better days.


I’m now happy as Larry. It’s not that the phone was expensive and I had already purchased another phone but I really do not like losing things - especially when I know where they are. If the phone had fallen into water I would have written it off as knackered but as I knew it was working it did pee me off that I couldn’t retrieve it.


If you think that’s anal - you should see me when I lose a spanner - just ask Tootallmike!


Well now it’s full steam ahead with the restoration of the Chieftain ARRV - without the in-built phone.


If you are one of the 36 missed calls and 24 texts sent to my phone whilst in the engine bay - I'll get round to you eventually.



well done Mark!!!!


Did you knowyour full steam ahead leads to a tabard for sale???????Thats a bit odd

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