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Softskin Vehicles in Museums


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Not wishing to open any worm filled cans but a question I have been thinking about for some time.


Considering the huge role soft-skin military vehicles played in WWII are they under represented in the national military museums? my feeling is they are but I would be interested in others thoughts.




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I think they are under represented but we're trying to redress the balance here at the Museum of the Manx Regiment.


We've got the Morris C9/B SP Bofors which is softskin-ish!


And the CDSW 6x4 Bofors tractor will be on display in a couple of years. That's definitely a softskin.


I'm also looking for a CMP 15cwt to put on display in 15LAA markings.

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Not wishing to open any worm filled cans but a question I have been thinking about for some time.






Considering the huge role soft-skin military vehicles played in WWII are they under represented in the national military museums? my feeling is they are but I would be interested in others thoughts.





For those of us with longer memories (and greyer hair!) there used to be the Museum of Army Transport at Beverley on Humberside.


It contained a large number of softskin vehicles, some photo post Op Granby











The vehicles have either returned to the units that lent them, the National Army Museum collection, the National Railway Museum at York and the Historic Dockyard at Chatham.


By the way, that is an armoured train in the background of the third photo.











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